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"Alex you've got to take it slow!" Harry said as the girl walked up the long stairs of Hogwarts.

It had been about two weeks since Alex had received the news of her pregnancy

Two weeks of Harry watching over her like a hawk.

Hermione and Ron weren't any better, hermione was making sure she was eating good and healthy food. While Ron was making sure she was never lonely.

The three had set down rules for the pregnant girl.

One, no more skipping meals

Two, always get 8 or more hours of sleep at night and no more smoking

Three, only eat healthy foods, no junk(this of course was hermiones)

And lastly, the girl was no longer allowed to fly Harry's broom.

Alex had tried negotiating the last one, telling them she'd make sure to eat and sleep everyday if it meant she could use the broom once in a while.

But according to Ron, "rules and rules Alex, you just gotta deal with them"

But the girl quickly reminded him of all the times he had broken the rules, to which he replied, "well I'm not carrying a human in me so I have a pass"

"I'm fine Harry, you have to calm down" she said getting back to her brother.

"If my niece or nephew comes out with a flat face I'm going to be very upset!" He said once they made it to the top of the steps

"How is me walking quickly going to give it a flat face?" The girl asked while turning to look at her brother.

Before he could answer the girl had bumped into someone, causing her to fall back.

"Watch where you're going malfoy!" Harry said while helping his sister back up.

She dusted herself off and looked up to see the blonde boy staring at her.

She didn't know what to say, to many people where around them.

"We better go harry" Alex said while brushing past the boy without a second glance.

Before she could even manage to get a foot away from the blonde he grabbed her wrist, causing her to turn and look at him.

"Alex.." he pleaded.

"I have nothing to say to you draco" the girl said before turning around and walking away once more.

"What was that about?" Harry asked as he looked back to the blonde.

Alex simply shrugged, "just about what he said about mom, that's all"

The pair went on with their day in silence, only being apart when they had different classes.

Harry was being very protective over the girl, Alex found it sweet, she knew Harry would make an amazing uncle.

"Did you know you won't start showing until you're about 12 weeks along, what will you do then?" Hermione said from the Alex's bed.

Currently, all three girls, Alex hermione and Ginny had a free period, so they decided to just hangout in Alex's room.

"That's only six weeks away!" Ginny said from the ground as she stuffed a jellybean into her mouth, offering some to Alex, who gladly accepted

" Dumbledore and I have discussed it, he knows some spell that will cover it up. It'll make me look normal. But it will reverse at night." Alex said as she took more jellybeans from Ginny.

"What about when you give birth? Will you stop attending school?" The ginger girl asked

Alex simply shrugged her shoulders, "probably not. I'm sure I'll think of something"

"You could always hire someone to help" hermione suggested.

Alex simply shrugged and the Three continued to talk about the girls pregnancy.

Like if she had any names in mind, which she didn't.

If she knew who the father was, which she did.

And if she would tell then who, which she did not.

By the time all classes where done and it was time for dinner the girl had thrown up twice.

Which Alex found strange because she thought she would only get morning sickness, but then again she didn't know much about pregnancy.

"Have you taken your vitamins?" Ron asked as he placed himself next to the girl at the table.

Once the news of the girls pregnancy had spread to all the teachers, the nurse, Madam Poppy Pomfrey has offered the girl some vitamins that would help her.

"They taste horrible Ron, I can't do it" Alex complained.

"Can't do what?" Harry said as he sat across from Alex.

"She hasn't been taking the vitamins nurse poppy has given her" Ron said while looking at the girl disapprovingly, causing her to laugh.

Harry simply shook his head, "I don't care how gross they taste I'm telling Hermione to make sure you drink them every night"

The group continued to talk about random stuff until the food appeared in front of them.

The smell was so strong, it made the girl want to vomit.

"This smells disgusting" Alex said while gagging

Ron looked over at the girl, "I get that you're carrying a human and all but if you mind not throwing up on my precious food"

Alex shot the boy a sarcastic grin before getting up and heading to the nearest lavatory

Once she had realized she wasn't going to throw up she walked out and started making her way back to the dining hall.

"Will you not be eating?" Draco said as he popped up in front of the girl, causing her to flinch.

"Gosh malfoy way to sneak up on someone"

The boy slightly smiled, "I just saw you leave and wanted to see if you're okay"

She shrugged, "I'm fine, Well you should get going, I'm sure your girlfriend is wondering where you are"

The boy sighed, "she isn't my girlfriend Alex"

The girl laughed, "well she doesn't seem to know that. Seriously Draco i should go"

"I miss you Alex" he said causing the girl to stop in her tracks.

She could tell him right now, tell him he was going to be a father in just eight months

Tell him how much she craved to be in his embrace again.

But at the same time she couldn't, they where no good for each other.

"We can't be doing this draco"

The boy grabbed the girls hand, "you can't tell me you don't miss us Alex, if you can look me in the eyes right now and tell me you don't miss me, I'll leave you alone"

She turned around and looked him in the eyes, "I can't do that either Draco, you know I can't"

Migraine // draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now