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It was the next day, and Alex was viciously cleaning that whole common room.

It was a weekend so she didn't have any classes, so at the crack of dawn she grabbed all her cleaning supplies and planed to leave the whole place sparkling clean.

Alex found cleaning therapeutic, and with the news she just received, this was exactly what she needed.

She didn't know if it was true or not, if she was pregnant. But she planned on going to Hogsmeade on Sunday to see if she could find a test to confirm it.

"Alex what are you doing?" She heard Ron ask from behind her.

She couldn't talk, if she talked she'd reveal the dream she'd had, she didn't want to tell anyone until it was certain.

"Harry she's been at that all morning" hermione said as Alex wiped the windows.

They must have awoken Harry because Alex didn't see him before.

"Somethings wrong. Somethings going to happen" he said with concern laced in his voice.

"Or maybe she's just cleaning" Ron suggested.

Harry spoke, "she'd always do this as kids, when something was wrong with her she'd clean. She knew Hagrid was coming to get us before he did. She always has a hunch. But she doesn't know how to communicate so she cleans" Harry explained.

It was true. Whenever something was wrong the girl deep cleaned what ever living space she was in

She could feel Harry walk up to her, "Alex talk to me." He said while grabbing the girls shoulder and turning her around.

"I had a dream" she said

Harry's eyes practically popped out of his head.

He quickly grabbed the girls arm and dragged her out into the empty hallway.

"Was it Voldemort related?" He asked in a low whisper.

She shook her head, "I saw mom and dad. I talked to them H. I saw our old room, we had these lovely cribs with our initials over it. It was great" she said with a smile.

She could see the smile forming on Harry's lips, "then why are you cleaning? Did they say anything to you?"

Alex couldn't keep this from Harry, she had to tell him.

"I think I'm pregnant H, they didn't tell me that directly, but mom had her hands on my stomach and told me what an amazing job I'd do. Dad was telling me the love I'd have for it would be worth dying for an-."

"Do you know who the father is?" He asked while grabbing the girls shoulders.

He didn't look upset, he looked concern, and kinda happy.

She couldn't tell him it's dracos until she's a thousand percent sure she's carrying a baby.

"Harry, I'm not even sure if it's true, I'll have to get some test done or something. But they gave me this picture" the girl said while taking the photograph out of her pocket and handing it to her brother.

He looked at it and smiled, "this is amazing Alex. Honestly I thought about this sometimes, and I thought I'd be upset at you for being so careless, but I'm not. I'm happy!" He said while throwing his arms around his sister and jumping around.

"You'll be an amazing mom" he said once the pair calmed down.

She smiled and the two went back inside.

After the girl had put away all her cleaning supplies, Harry offered to take her to Hogsmeade to see if it was for sure she was having a kid.

And to the girls surprise, she was.

She was about 4 weeks along, and not to anyone's surprise, when she found out she threw up.

But Harry was there to hold her hair back and congratulate her.

"Now we've gotta tell Dumbledore" he said when they walked back into the castle.

She nodded and they walked to his office, going in immediately and sitting down.

Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall where there as well.

"Great I can kill three birds with one stone" she whispered to her brother, who simply laughed and patted her back.

"What's the reason for this Miss and mr potter?" McGonagall asked as she looked at the two suspiciously.

She wasn't a cruel teacher, she just knew the twins all to well to know they were never up to any good.

"Alex has something to tell you all" Harry said with a grin.

"Then why are you here Harry?" Snape asked from the corner.

Alex simply rolled her eyes, "moral support."

Dumbledore chuckled, "well go on miss potter"

Alex froze, what if they made her abort it. She wanted to have this kid. Her parents wanted her to.

"This morning I found out I am pregnant" she said quickly, making sure to look at the three professors to see their reactions.

Dumbledore was the first to speak, "well what will you do. Do you plan on keeping it?"

Alex nodded her head quickly.

"She can't keep it! If the other students see her walking around pregnant they'll think it's okay!" Snape protested.

McGonagall shook her head, "we can cast some sort of spell when she starts showing. It's an easy fix. Congratulations Miss Potter. You'll make a fine mother"

After speaking with each professor about the plan the twins left.

Harry went to go find hermione and Ron, so Alex could tell them.

And Alex set off to find Draco.

She searched for about five minutes until she spotted the blonde boy in the courtyard, sitting with his friends.

The girl took a deep breath and walked up to them, receiving glances from other Slytherins around her.

"Malfoy, I need to talk to you" she said while taking a deep breath.

His friends whistled teasingly, while he simply stood up and walked off, signaling for the girl to follow.

"What do you want potter" he said once they were out of ear shot from everyone.

"I just needed to tell you-."

"Draco honey!" A loud and obnoxious voice called from behind Alex.

She turned around only to see the one and only Pansy Parkinson.

She was a Slytherin in Alex's year, Alex never talked to her but she has heard her bad mouthing the potter name.

She was rude and insensitive, two things Alex was never found of.

Once pansy reached the pair, she clung to dracos side like some leech.

"Oh, I didn't know you two were an item" Alex said while looking at the ground.

Pants smiled cruelly, "well now you know. So what is it you want with my boyfriend?"

The Potter girl shook her head, "I was just gonna, uhm I was just going to ask him about our potions class. But I'll find someone else"

Before anyone could say anything else Alex walked away.

He moved on so quickly, there was no way Alex could tell him now. Not when he had a girlfriend.

She'd just have to do this alone, and for once, she didn't mind.

Migraine // draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now