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The last month of school flew by, it was Fred and George's last year there, so this one was a bit sad for Alex.

She would no longer have her two best friends around her all the time.

After the twins agreed to be Eli's godfathers, Alex had asked hermione to be her godmother, which like the twins, she was more then happy to do.

Alex felt a bit of guilt in her stomach once the christening for Eleanor had started.

She felt bad that her friends where becoming the godparents to their daughter, she hadn't even thought of Draco had someone he trusted enough with their child.

But Alex quickly brushed off the feeling and placed her focus back on what was happening.

Unlike her and Harry's christening, which was hurried, considering it was at the height of the first Wizarding war, only her parents and Sirius black where there

But for Eleanors, everyone came, the Wesleys, some friends both parents had from school, even Narcissa showed up

But Alex had warned both Malfoys, Draco and Narcissa, that today was an important day for Eleanor and they had to act nice towards the Weasleys.

The older women had no problem with that, she was making small talk with Molly before it began

Who worried her was Draco, he tried keeping his distance from them, like they were below him and he had every right to not interact with them

Alex knew dracos beliefs, she knew how much he believed in blood status superiority. She just wished he'd put that aside for their daughter.

The ceremony went smoothly, both Weasley twins managed to not make much jokes during it.

Even tho they did crack some here and there, but who would they be if they didn't?

After the christening the blonde boys mother left, leaving everyone else to go back to Alex's and dracos new house to have a small party.

The house was lovely, it was a two story cottage, with Vines growing on the outside walls

Alex loved it, it had four rooms, two on the first floor and two on top, the pair thought I'd would be perfect for when their familys came to visit.

It had a backyard, so when Eleanor started walking she'd have free range, while still staying a safe distance to the house

The group piled in, she had noticed that Draco had disappeared somewhere upstairs, but chose to ignore it for now.

Because right now she was having fun with her family.

"Okay Eleanor I've got you something, but you need to guess" Ron said to the baby, who was simply coo'ing at the ginger boy.

Ron then pulled out a little pair of socks in the color red, the same red that represented Gryffindor.

Alex thanked the boy and he went on his way.

Fred and George had given the baby some sort of book. Alex took a mental note to proof read it before she showed it to Eleanor.

Harry had given her a tiny broom, the same type of broom the twins received from their godfather, Sirius black, when they where baby's.

Hermione brought Eleanor a cute little summer dress in the color yellow, Alex had reminded the girl to tell her where she brought it so she could get more stuff from there

Ginny had simply given the baby a stuff animal in the shape of a lion, "as you can tell, Ron and I coordinated our gifts" she joked.

Lastly was molly, she had knitted up a little sweater with the letter "E" on it.

It fit the baby a little big, but according to the older Weasley women, she'd grow into it.

Soon it was time for everyone to leave, Alex had offered them the extra rooms, but they said it was Eleanors time with her parents.

So once Alex said her goodbyes to everyone, she carried the now sleeping Eleanor upstairs and placed her in her crib.

She secured the lock in her window, and made sure to lock the baby's door. She had used the same spell Dumbledore used on the common rooms, the only way you could get on is if you know the password.

When the girl had gone to Ron about it, he simply stated it was because of what happened with her parents when she was a child.

At first Alex disagreed, but then she saw it. She was paranoid. But Alex didn't care if she looked like a mad women, as long as Eleanor was safe, Alex was fine.

"Draco?" Alex called as she Entered their shared bedroom.

She found it odd, they were only 16 and yet they had a whole baby and house.

It was like when you were younger, and you'd play family, someone would be the dad, another person would be the mom, then there would be kids. You'd use blankets to build your house.

But now, it was real, she didn't need blankets to pretend. It was a real house, with a real baby.

But that also means real threats, real evil.

"Alex" the blonde said back as a greeting

She could feel a fight coming, there seemed to be a lot of those happening between the pair recently.

"Why didn't you join us downstairs?" Alex asked as she slipped out of her clothes and put on her PJs

"I had some things to do up here" he said plainly.

Alex nodded before climbing onto her side of the bed

"It couldn't wait until the party was over? I think Eleanor would appreciate it if she looked back at the pictures one day and saw her father in them."

Draco gave her an icy glance, but still said nothing

"They're my family draco, I'd like it if you put some effort"

"We're your family Alex! Me and Eleanor! Not those blood traitors!" He growled at the girl.

Alex was taken aback, yes they fought, but Alex never heard Draco use that tone

"I know you guys are my family! Do you think I'm some sort of prat malfoy? But They were my family long before me and you even started talking!" She shot back

"Those so called "blood traitors" raised me! I do my part draco! I attended all the stupid parties your mother invites us to because it's your family and I'm being nice! If you could just return the favor and spend at least an hour with them without you insulting each and everyone of them!" She continued when the boy stayed silent.

Eleanor started crying, they could hear her through the Monitor.

"I'll get her" Alex mumbled and left the room.

She whispered the password and picked up Eleanor the second she entered

"It's okay baby, I'm sorry I screamed" she whispered as she carefully swayed her back and forth.

"I'm sorry Alex, I should have put in more effort to be nice to the people you love" Draco said from the doorframe.

Alex jumped slightly, she didn't know he was there, he walked so silently, that if he hadn't spoken, Alex probably wouldn't have known he was there for at least a few more moments.

"It's okay, because I know Beneath the cold and mean facade you put on, you're simply a product of your father"

The blonde boy didn't disagree or try to argue, because he knew it was true

If Lucius has given Draco the tiniest bit of love when he was a child, he wouldn't be the way he was today.

Alex knew it, and so did he.

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