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The party fell into the late hours of the night.

Everyone had finally decided to go to bed, hermione and Alex would stay with Ginny in her room, and everyone else in their regular rooms.

Alex found herself looking out the window for several more hours, she couldn't sleep.

Maybe because she didn't have draco there or maybe it was because she was scared of the threats that were recently thrown her way.

But After a while Alex managed to get up and make her way to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and stepping outside to the porch.

"Alex is that you?" Fred said as opened the front door. The only reason she could tell it was him in the poorly lit night was because of the big "F" on his shirt.

The girl smiled up at the ginger boy and nodded, "the one and only"

The boy chuckled lightly and took a seat at the girls feet.

Almost as an instinct Alex's hands flew to Fred's head to play with his hair.

The pair sat in silence for a few moments before Fred spoke up, "follow me"

Without hesitation the girl got up and followed the ginger into the woods, once the pair came to a clearing The older boy stopped

"What are we doing here?" Alex asked as she looked around

Before the girl could even turn around she heard Fred cast a spell

"Expecto Patronum!"

In almost seconds a magpie made out of bright lights ran around the sky.

"You're patronus is a bird? It's beautiful" Alex said with a giggle as she turned back to to the boy

"What's yours?"

The girl looked down at the ground in embarrassment, she didn't even know if she could do the spell.

"I've never tried" she said truthfully

Fred smiled, "I'll teach you"

So for the rest of the night the pair stayed out in the woods trying to perfect Alex's patronus charm.

She thought of everything that she was pretty sure made her happy, the look Harry had given her the first time they boarded the Hogwarts express.

The blush she received from Ron when they had told him who they where.

The proud look Harry gave her when she was sorted into Gryffindor after him, even tho the two eleven year olds didn't know much about the houses.

Their first Christmas with the Weasleys, that was the very Christmas Molly had made her her first Weasley sweater with a big "A" on it. The same Christmas Fred and George had tried teaching her how to ride a broom, tho it did end with Alex receiving some new scars.

She thought about the first time hermione and her had stayed up late in the library, the two girls weren't even studying at that point, it was more of one saying a joke then both falling into a fit of laughter

She thought about that night her and Fred had snuck to the top of the astronomy tower, the boy had placed a kiss on the girls cheek that night, which caused her to blush like crazy and not get any sleep.

Then her mind went to the vision she saw with her parents, how proud they looked when they saw her. How happy she was because she finally got to see them.

But none of these worked, "what are you thinking of?" Fred asked once the girl failed to do the charm.

"You guys, all of you. The moments I thought I've been my happiest"

Migraine // draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now