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The girls legs ran faster then the thoughts in her head.

She didn't care that her head was throbbing, or how her legs threatened to give out

She didn't care that she might have been running towards her own death sentence because she needed to get to Harry

Then she saw them, Voldemort standing tall with his wand raised at her brother, who didn't fight, he stood with his eyes closed, like he was accepting it

"Wait!" She yelled, blocking Harry's body from what ever was coming his way

Voldemort lowered his wand, "well well, the girl that's cursed, has come just to die"

Alex shook her head, "kill me instead, leave Harry alive. Take me"

She felt Harry grab her hand to try and throw her out of the way, but she jerked her arm away and stood her ground.

"You'd be a great asset to me Alexandria" the evil voice called from in front of the girl

"Come here" he instructed.

Alex nodded, stepping forward, away from Harry and towards death himself

Voldemort harshly grabbed the girls face, moving it around, like he was inspecting it

"Why'd you come back here Alexandria? You could've have a safe, wholesome life where ever you were. I wasn't even going to look for you"

"I'm not like you, I came to protect my family" she spat

Voldemort released her face, and let out an evil laugh

"You're more like me then you think potter, it's a wonder you were sorted into Gryffindor. You truly belong in Slytherin, you're ambitious, witty, cunning, and very resourceful. That hat placed you with your brother because he was scared of you and your ability's"

The girl shook her head and she began to step back, only to be grabbed by Voldemort

"Let her go!" Harry yelled from behind them, but they both ignored him

"Join me Alex, you'll truly make a legacy for yourself with my help"

Before she could answer she was pushed out of the way, hitting her head on the ground.

As she attempted to stand up, feeling a bit dizzy as she saw the green light of the killing curse

She wished she could say Harry was the one that casted it, but he wasn't

Alex screamed as she saw the lifeless body of her brother fall onto the ground

"Harry! No come back!" She shouted as someone held her back from running to her brother, it was Narcissa, how or when she arrived was a mystery to the girl

Voldemort stepped in front of the girl, sending Narcissa to check if Harry was alive

"Stand up potter" he commanded, and Alex obeyed, wobbling as she regaining her stand

"Join me or die just like your brother did"

Alex thought about it, she'd lose everyone if she joined him. But she'd stay alive

But was living truly worth it if she lost all her friends and family?

"Fine" she said, shocking Narcissa and Lucius who stood behind her

"On one condition" she continued, and Voldemort nodded

"You'll spare the Draco and the Weasleys. Draco will live a normal life, he won't be a death eater, he'll be happy"

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