One 🧸

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I got my stuff ready to go to Rosie's then grabbed my bag and went downstairs. I put it down on the island and made some pancakes to eat.

I put blueberry and bananas in them then waited for them to be done and flipped them. I put them onto a plate and ate them.

My phone started to ring so I picked it up and I could hear Riley's voice at the end of the phone.

R: Madison are you almost ready?

M: yup. Just finishing my pancakes then I'm gonna leave.

R: ok. I'm like 5 minutes away from yours so I can pick you up.

M: ok see ya soon.

R: bye Mads.

M: bye!

I hung up then put my phone down. I put my plate in the sink and grabbed my bag. I had my phone in my pocket so I didn't need anything else. I left the house and waited for Riley.

A few minutes later I got a text from her saying she would be a bit late and she'll park around the corner.

I sighed then put my phone away and went to walk to where she said she would park. I turned round the corner and bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry." The guy that I bumped into said. I shook my head and looked at him staring straight in his beautiful blue eyes.

"No it was my fault. I should have watched were I was going." I said. He laughed a bit then he picked my bag up that I had dropped and passed it to me.

"Here." He said. I took it of him and smiled and him in which he returned.

"Thanks." I said. "Bye." I walked around the corner then looked behind me and he was gone.

He had the cutest little baby face and when he smiled it just made me smile. I never really liked boys as soon as I see them but he was just something else.

"YO MADISON OVER HERE!" I heard Riley shout. I ran over to her car and got in the passenger seat. I threw my bag into the back and we drove to Rosie's.

We got there and parked in her driveway. I leaned over to the backseat and grabbed my bag.

Riley got out and grabbed hers from the trunk. I got out and she locked the car then we walked up to the door.

Riley rung the doorbell and we waited for someone to answer. The door opened and Rosie welcomed us with hugs.

"Come on, Ivey's already in there and she's set everything up. There's popcorn and some other foods so go enjoy our annual end of school sleepover!" Rosie said moving so we could come in.

We walked into Rosie's living room and there were mattresses set up with blankets and pillows and in front of them there were a table full of snacks.

Ivey saw us and came running to us and jumped up at both of us. We both hugged her back then put our bags down. We opened Netflix up on her TV and we put on after.

I'm Madison Valentine and these are my three best friends, there's Ivey, Riley, and Rosie. We all live in bel air. I live with my mom, and my older brother, London. I'm 18 turning 19 in October, which is next month. London is 20 and still doesn't want to move out. I've been trying to look for an apartment so I can move out and have my own space.

"Stop spacing out!" Ivey said waving her hand over my face. I blinked and looked at her. They all started laughing and I rolled my eyes and just watched the movie.

We eventually finished the movie and we all were playing truth or dare. We were mostly picking truths so I guess we were just playing truth.

"Madison, truth or dare?" Rosie asked.

"Truth." I said laughing.

"Ok, who do you like?" She asked.

"To be honest I don't know." I said.

"There has to be someone!" Ivey chimed in.

"Well there is this one boy I bumped into this morning when I walked around the corner to go find Riley. He had brown hair and these beautiful green eyes that I could honestly stare into all day." I said remembering everything that happened.

"Awww!" Everyone said in sync. I rolled my eyes and everyone laughed. We carried on playing for a while then we all got into our pajamas and got ready for bed and put in Brooklyn 99 because we were all really tired.

I fell asleep after one episode but it was much better than the others who fell asleep after about 5 minutes.

My everything 🧸 // Nick Austin. Where stories live. Discover now