Twelve 🧸

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I helped take Darianka's things into the guest room then went to nicks to say bye.

I walked down the hall then got to his door which was open. "Hey Nicky!" I said walking in and standing in the door way.

"Hey baby, what's up?"

"I'm going back home now so I came to say bye." I said. Nick looked up from his phone with puppy dog eyes.

"Please stay." He said. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry bubs, I need to go home and talk with Ri." I said walking over to him and kissing the top of his head.

"Alright. Try not to kill her." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"I won't." I said then kissed him in which he returned. I said my goodbyes to everyone then went back home. The lights in my room where on so I assumed Riley was there.

I got to the apartment complex then went up to mine and Riley's apartment. I unlocked the door and went it.

"Riley are you here!" I said taking my shoes of. She came out of the kitchen and walked over to me. "We need to talk."

"I'm making some food for us so once it's done we can sit down and talk, while eating." Riley said. She knew that eating was my week spit so of course I had to agree.

I sat down at the dining table and waited for Riley with the food. Once she had finished she put everything on the table and sat down. She made Pancakes with syrup, Fruit, Bacon, Eggs and so many other nice things.

"Mads I'm so sorry about everything that happened last night. I'm not gonna sit here and make up some sappy excuses for you to forgive me because I have none." Riley said. I listened as I put food onto my plate and started eating. "I wasn't thinking about you, Ryland, nick or anyone. I was thinking about myself like I always do. Mads I love you and would never try and come between you and nick."

"I love you so much Ry but what you did was next level, Ryland is so pissed at you but he still loves you. I forgive you because you didn't really do anything to me, you need to apologize to the person you truly hurt..." I said.


"Yeah Ryland."

"No, Ryland is downstairs. Look out the window." Riley said pointing over to the glass window near us.

"Let me go talk to him. Love you bebe." I said then ran downstairs and out the front door. I saw Ryland standing there, he looked over to me and stared me right in the eyes.

"Ok I'm about to go on a rant and expose things but just role with it." Ry started saying. I nodded slowly and he carried on, "I know you like nick and he likes you back, all he ever talks about is you and it's fucking me up. I really like you Madison and I only figured it out when Riley and I were a month into the relationship. I'm happy that she cheated but I couldn't show it, I don't know why I'm telling you all of this, maybe it's because I trust you, maybe it's cause I'm pissed but whatever it is it's built up the courage to say I like you. I'm gonna go now but when you get in look in your room."

"I-" I replied to him as he got in the car and drove off. As I went back inside and up the elevator to our apartment I couldn't stop thinking about Ryland yet I couldn't stop thinking about nick. Do I like my best friends ex? Do I like nick? Do I like Ryland?

I went back to our apartment and when I got back in when straight upstairs to my room. On the bed were a box of red and white roses.

There was a letter next to it so I opened it and read it

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There was a letter next to it so I opened it and read it.

'Hey Mads,
By now I've probably already told you that I liked you but and you probably rejected me (if not that's pretty cool and thanks) anyways here are some roses that I thought you would like. If you did reject me I hope we can carry on with the relationship we have now ❤️
Love Ry'

I put the card up on my vanity and took the roses downstairs to show Riley.

"Ri look at these." I said putting the box down on the table.

"Woah. Who got those for you?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"To be honest I don't know. They were just on my bed when I came in." I said. I grabbed another pancake and ate it then took my roses back upstairs.

Riley followed me up to my room and we just laid on my bed for a while watching Christmas movies.

"Wanna make a tik tok?" Riley asked. I nodded so she set up the phone and we did a dance to the song 'walking in a winter wonderland/here comes Santa Claus'


RILEY: hanging out with my Bebe Mads.valentine love you 💘💖💕


MADS.VALENTINE: love you ri 🥺
↪️ RILEY: 😘

NICKAUSTINN: I love her too
↪️ MADS.VALENTINE: aww love you Nicky poo
↪️ RILEY: ship
↪️ AVANI: ship

PETROUTV: can you meet up with us tomorrow?
↪️ RILEY: Yeah sure. Text me details petroleum

USER: user look at nicks comment 🥺🥺
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AVANI: omg you, Mads, amelie and I should all go on a double date kinda thing.
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↪️ RILEY: we need to arrange that!

My everything 🧸 // Nick Austin. Where stories live. Discover now