Seveteen 🧸

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"Thanks for saving me back there." Nick said breaking the silence. I started laughing and his head snapped round at me. "What's so funny?"

"You were being held hostage by a group of 14 year olds. That just shows how week you are." I said. Ryland laughed slightly but tried to cover it.

"It was a bad idea wanting to speak to you again." Nick said. "Ry can you drop me of here please?"

"Nick you are so stupid. We haven't talked in over 3 months and suddenly you want to start talking again out of no where. When I get to your room your not even in there but to make it better my ex best friend was. Ry and I then save you and all you can say is that. Whatever. Ryland just drop me off I'll call an Uber or something." I replied. Ryland then stopped the car and I got out.

"You sure?" Ryland said winding his window down. Nick was faced the other way but I could see he was looking at me and Ryland with the help of the mirror.

"Nope. Don't even know where I am but I cant be asked arguing with nick right now." I replied.

"Get back in, I'll drive you to my moms and then you can call someone. My sister is home but my mom isn't." Ryland replied. I rolled my eyes and got in.

He drove about 5 minutes then parked up outside of a house with 2 floors and flowers everywhere. He called his sister quickly to check if she was there then took me inside. Rys sister came running down the stairs and hugged Ryland then hugged me.

"Hi I'm Macy." She said.

"Hi, I'm Madison." I said in reply. She was so pretty, she looked really rebellious but that's what I was expecting because if Rylands like how he is today someone must have encouraged it.

Ryland then left and drove nick back home. It was now about 7 so Macy offered for me to stay the night.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah of course. I can set you up in the guest room then order you an Uber in the morning. I also have some clothes which you could borrow." I smiled and nodded. A few hours later we had both eaten and I was now in the bed that I was staying in for the night.

My phone vibrates causing me to turn it over and see a message from nick.


Hey, I'm sorry for
making you feel
like you couldn't
be near me. Once
your back in LA
tomorrow can we
talk please?

Yeah sure.
As long as I don't
find Riley in your
bed this time.

Promise you won't
find that <3
Read 22:36

I plugged my phone in with the charger that Macy gave me and went to sleep.

~ the next morning ~

I woke up around 6 and got ready, well trying to get ready with nothing. I walked downstairs and Macy was already down stairs having breakfast with some white claws.

"Morning Mads." Macy said turning to me. "White claw?" She asked.

"No thank you. I'm gonna order an Uber and start to head back to LA."

"You sure?" I nodded and sat down at the table and opened the Uber app. I ordered an Uber and waited while I had some toast. Once it arrived I said goodbye and started to head back to LA.

I had told the Uber to take me to the hype house because Nick wanted to see me and it was one of the best places to be. As soon as I got there I paid and ran inside. I had texted Mia already to say I was coming so she met me downstairs.

"Are those the same clothes you were wearing yesterday?" Mia asked me. I looked down and nodded then she dragged me up to her and Thomas' room. She passed me a pair of jeans and a white tank.

 I got changed in their bathroom then hung out with Mia and the cats for a bit

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I got changed in their bathroom then hung out with Mia and the cats for a bit.


I can't keep writing this, I've lost
interest completely and I don't
want to disappoint
everyone who's reading this
so I need to end it here.

I am writing a Louis Partridge
story at the moment. So if you
want to read that it's coming
soon so yeah.

Again I'm so sorry 💖

My everything 🧸 // Nick Austin. Where stories live. Discover now