Five 🧸

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I woke up to people screaming. I got out of nicks bed and walked upstairs to the living room.

"What's going on?" I asked. Kouvr shrugged and pointed over to the fans. I nodded and walked back downstairs and outside.

I saw Nick so I walked over to him and hugged him. "What's happening?" I asked in a softish voice.

"Ryland was doing pole dancing for some reason and Alex is bringing up a dunk tank so we can all try." Nick replied.

"You guys are so weird. I'm probably going to leave soon because I need to pack so I can move into my new apartment." I said.

"Where are you moving to?" Nick asked.

"Not far from here. About 5 minutes away." I said.

"That means I can see you more."

"Yeah." I replied smiling. "Anyways I'm gonna go get my things then leave." I said.

"Don't leave meeee." He said dragging out the 'e'. He had the cutest puppy dog eyes ever.

"I have too. You can come with me and help me pack." I said.


"I was joking but sure. Let's go." I said. We both laughed then went inside and over to nicks room.

I got my bag and clothes and waited for nick. I saw Mia walk past so I walked over to her.

"Hey Mia!" I said. She said hi back and hugged me. "Do you mind if I keep these until later when nick comes back?"

"Of course. Do you know what. Just keep them, I have another pair." Mia said.

"Thank you!" I said and hugged her once more. She walked away and I went back to nicks room.

"Come on lets go!" I said. Nick nodded so we walked out the house and over to my car.

There was paparazzi everywhere and they were surrounding Nick asking his questions.

"I'm sorry but I have to go." Nick said walking over to my car with me. I got in the drivers seat and started the car. Nick got in the passenger side.

The paparazzi kept taking photos as I tried to drive away. I managed to get out of their street and I drove back to mine which was about 25 minutes away.

We listened to some music and talked while I drove there. Once we got there I saw Rosie eating outside. I drove up my drive and parked and nick and I both got out.

"Hey Ro." I said walking over to her. "Why are you here?" I asked pulling away.

"I wanted to help you pack but I see you already have someone to help." Rosie said referring to Nick.

"Yeah. He didn't want me to leave him so I invited him round here." I said. Rosie nodded and we all went inside and up to my room.

My mom had put loads of boxes in my room. I grabbed my MacBook and opened it. I opened Spotify and and put my playlist of shuffle play.

Rosie sat on the bed while nick and I got loads of clothes from my closet and dropped them on the floor.

We went through them and folded them and put them into suitcases and boxes.

Once we were done we took a break. Nick and I went downstairs but Rosie stayed in my room.

"Rosie is acting a bit weird today don't you think?" I said getting some bread out of the pantry.

"I haven't really talked to her before but she is defiantly acting strange." Nick replied.

I agreed and made us both a sandwich. I cut the crusts of mine and ate it. Nick ate his then we made a few tik tok that he saved to his drafts.

We went back to my room and finished my packing. This time Rosie helped us a bit. I put all the boxes in one side of the room and took the suitcases downstairs.

"Thank you guys." I said hugging them both. "Ro, can I speak to you for a second?"

"Yeah sure." We both walked into my bathroom that was connected to my room. "So what's up?" She asked.

"You seem kinda off today." I said. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a bit tired." Rosie said. I tilted my head and raised my eyebrows.

"Come on Rosie. I'm your best friend."

"Fine. I just felt like you haven't been spending any time with us lately. Your always hanging out with nick." Rosie said.

"Dude, I've hung out with nick once. Buuuttt I see where your coming from and I promise not to ditch you, Ivey and Riley for a guy I met a few days ago." I said a hugged her. She was hesitant to hug back but she did.

I pulled away and we walked back into my room. I went into my closet and got out and outfit from the clothes I hadn't packed. I quickly changed into them and put the clothes that Mia let me have on a shelf.

 I quickly changed into them and put the clothes that Mia let me have on a shelf

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I walked out of my closet and sat on the floor in front of Rosie and Nick.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked. They both looked up from their phones and shrugged.

"We could watch something?" Nick suggested. Rosie and I liked the idea so I turned on my TV and put on Netflix.

"Can we watch Julie and the phantoms? It's new and I haven't see it yet." I asked.

"Omg yes. It's so good!" Rosie said. I looked over to nick and he rolled his eyes playfully and nodded. I put it on and we watched it.

My everything 🧸 // Nick Austin. Where stories live. Discover now