Fifteen 🧸

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{2 months later}

Nick and I still aren't talking, it's been hard and I miss him so much but he obviously doesn't miss me so he isn't talking to me. Quinton and I have been hanging out about and we always go to this secret place and just talk. Riley moved out and is now living in Florida with Ivey and Rosie, we all got in a huge argument before they left so we haven't talked since. Riley is coming back to LA in a few days to get her things so I'm going to go out with Olivia for the day.

"Earth to Madison." Josh said waving his hand in front of my face. I quickly shook my head getting all the thoughts out of my head.

"Sorry, spaced out." I said. "Anyways, be quiet quintons doing school."

"You really like him don't you." Josh said laughing slightly.

"What! No. We're just friends."

"More like friends with benefits." Josh said fully laughing now. I gave him a death stare and he got up and started running.

"JOSHUA RICHARDS GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" I shouted running after him.

"NEVER." He shouted before ending up tripping over Noah's foot. He whacked his head on the side of the table and fell to the floor.

"Josh you ok?" I asked. He let out a small groan and I walked over to him. There was blood dripping from his head. Like a lot of blood. "Ok shit, umm Noah can you help me get him up and Blake can you get something for his head."

They both nodded. Noah and I both bent down and helped him up slowly then took him over to the nearest couch. Blake then came running with things for his head.

"Shouldn't we call 911?" Blake asked.

"Call them, I'll clean the cut up a bit." Blake got out his phone and called them while I wiped the blood from his head. Josh started to open his eyes slightly. "Feeling any better?" I asked.

"Not really." He said. Blake then came back telling us the ambulance would be here in 5 minutes. "Ambulance?" Josh asked confused.

"It's nothing." I said still wiping the blood away.

{ after the hospital (cause I'm lazy) }

I went back to my apartment while everyone else went back to their house. My phone started vibrating so I took it out and looked at who was calling me.


N: hey Madison.

M: hey?

N: do you want to come round to the hype house?

M: sure. I'll be there in 20 mins.

N: ok see you soon.

Wait, why did he just act like we've been speaking? Why did he ask me to come round to the hype house? What is happening!

I ran upstairs to my room and got out a new outfit seeing as my last one had blood all over it.

I ran upstairs to my room and got out a new outfit seeing as my last one had blood all over it

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I quickly got changed then grabbed everything I needed and left. As I got to the bottom of my apartment complex London walked through the door.

He saw me and paused, then he ran up to me and hugged me as tight as possible.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked slowly pushing him back.

"It's Ivey." He said. Him and Ivey have been dating for about 4 months now, when the 3 girls moved out to Florida London went with them to make sure that they settled in Alright. I haven't talked to London since then either.

"Ok, I don't really give a shit about her, and I don't care about you either that much." I said and walked straight passed him and out onto the street. He followed me round the corner where my car was.

"Can we talk please?" He asked. I shook my head and got into my car. He ran around to the other side and got in.

"Get out London!" I said. He shook his head so I just started driving to the hype house and didn't care what he had to say. Once we got there I parked up in front of Rylands car and got out. London quickly got out before I locked the car.

"HEY MADI!" I heard Ryland shout. I looked around and couldn't see anyone so I looked up and saw Ryland with a hose on the top balcony. "MIGHT WANNA MOVE!"

I moved out the way and he starters pouring water onto his car. I just rolled my eyes at them and walked into their house. "This is fancy" London said.

"Ughh I forgot you were here." I replied. I went straight up to the top floor and out to where Ryland, Paper, Thomas, Alex and some other people were.

"Hey Mads. Nicks in his room waiting for you." Alex said.

"Thanks. Also guys meet my brother London, I'm leaving him here with you cause we are sorta in an argument right now." I said pushing my 20 year old brother towards them.

I left and made my way to nicks room. Before I got there I saw Patrick and Calvin down the corner moving some things around. I walked toward them and saw they were packing up boxes.

"What's going on in here?" I asked. They both looked around and me but completely ignored me. "Alright then. Message recieved." I walked back to nicks room and knocked on the door.

There was a faint 'come in' from the other side. I opened it slowly and saw...

"Wait a minute your not nick."

Cliff hanger just
for all of you guys
out there.
Should I give
you guys my tik tok
name so you can see
what I look like?

My everything 🧸 // Nick Austin. Where stories live. Discover now