Eight 🧸

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I came back into Nicks room with a glass of water and some food. I put it down next to him then went to leave.

"Wait, please don't go." Nick said. I looked back at him and he the cutest little puppy dog eyes ever.

"Ok." I said. I sat down on the end of the bed and got out my phone from my pocket because I got a message from London when I was getting nick food.

I messaged him back then put my phone away. Nick and I talked for a while. Nick brought up the fact that he used to live in Carlsbad, where I was born, and how lots of people in the hype house have been friends for about 3-4 years.

"Feeling any better?" I asked him. He nodded then put the bowl on his night stand then got up and went to his bathroom.

I laid down on his bed and eventually fell asleep from how tired I was, I didn't even notice the fact that nick was staring at me.

Nicks POV:

I walked back out of the bathroom and I saw Mads laying down on my bed. I walked toward her a bit and realized she was sleeping. I put a blanket over her then backed away and out of the room because I find it weird when people watch others sleep.

I went over to the theater and just sat in there for a bit while I waited for Madison to wake up.

Madison's (Your) POV:

I woke up and looked around. I was in nicks room but nick wasn't there. I took the blanket of me then walked over to the elevator. I walked past the theatre and saw nick sitting in there looking at his phone.

"Hey Nicky." I said standing at the door.

"Hey baby." He said putting his phone away and getting up. He walked over to me and hugged me then we went upstairs.

"Wanna go swimming?" Nick asked. I looked at him with a 'you serious?' look. "What?" Nick asked laughing.

"I don't have a bathing suit or anything!" I said looking down at the clothes I was wearing.

"I can ask Olivia if she has any?" He suggested.

"Are you sure?" I asked. Nick nodded then went down to Olivia's room while I stayed on the top floor. I sat down on one of the chairs around the glass table and waited for nick.

"Hey Madison." I heard someone say and I looked up to see Olivia.

"Hey Olivia." I said. She smiled then passed me a bikini. I thanked her then went to the bathroom to change.

I put my phone in my bikini strap then took my clothes that I had on to nicks room

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I put my phone in my bikini strap then took my clothes that I had on to nicks room. I put them in the corner then went out to the pool.

Nick, Ryland, Angel and Michael were already in the pool and Riley was sitting on the loungers.

"Hey boo." I said to Riley walking over to her. She didn't answer back and I saw tears rolling down her face.

"Oh my god, Riley are you ok?" I asked hugging her.

"De flans keep alling e fa" Riley managed to get out over all the crying. It took me a few seconds then I worked it out.

"The fans keep calling you fat?" I asked. She nodded and started crying even more. I hugged her tightly then looked down to see about 5 13 year old girls filming us.

I flipped them off and all their mothers started shouting at me but I just walked away. "Come on, you know that they are just saying that because they are jealous of you. Let's go swimming."

"Okay." Riley said we both got in and swam around for a bit. I was talking with nick and angel on the other side of the pool when Riley came over and pulled me away.

"Woahhh! Calm down." I said laughing slightly. Riley has that look on her face when she's about to break down crying. "Riley bebe, whats wrong?" I asked.

"Noah texted me." She said passing me her phone. Noah is her ex, who by the way was a total ass, he didn't even care about what Riley thought he only cared about posting their relationship online.

I looked down at her phone and read the message. It was saying how 'he was sorry they broke up and he had still loved her. Now that's he's blown up on tik tok and moved out to LA they can see each other more.'

"Nuh uh this ain't happening." I said then texted him back saying to go away and not speak tho her then I blocked him. "I swear to god if I see that bitch in the street I'm gonna throw hands." I half shouted.

"What's wrong baby?" Nick asked coming over and hugging me from behind them putting his head onto my shoulder.

"Ugh, just Riley's ex Noah. He texted Ri how he blew up on tik tok so they should get back together and things like that." I said.

"Wait, Noah as in Noah beck?" Ryland asked. Riley and I both nodded slowly. "He was over the house earlier, he left about 2 minutes before you showed up. He lives at sway."

"I- this can't be happening. Why does everything have to go wrong at once." Riley said starting to cry. She got out the pool and Ryland went to follow her but I stopped him.

"Can I please go speak to my girlfriend?" Ryland asked. I shook my head and pushed him back in the pool.

"I'm sorry dude but do you really think she needs her boyfriend to talk about their ex. Oh and by the way, please tell Noah to stop messaging Riley." I said then got out the pool and ran over to where Riley was.

My everything 🧸 // Nick Austin. Where stories live. Discover now