Nine 🧸

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{ 3 months later }

Noah, Riley and I have worked things out and are now on speaking terms. Nick and I are get closer and closer every day and we flirt all the time. I moved into my new apartment and it looks amazing. Riley moved in with me and Rosie and Ivey live in the apartment a couple blocks down. Everything else is pretty normal.

(Living room)

(Living room)

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(My room)

(Riley's room)

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(Riley's room)

(Riley's room)

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"Riley wake up ry is calling you

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"Riley wake up ry is calling you." I said walking into Riley's room. I pulled the cover off and all I could see where pillows. No Riley, just pillows.

I answered the phone quickly before it stopped ringing.

R: sup shawty

( sorry for interrupting but I typed shawty and it came out with 'SHARTY' and I just thought of nessa and now I can't stop laughing.)

M: wrong person ry.

R: Madi? Why are you answering Riley's phone?

M: she's not here and left her phone.

R: but she takes her phone anywhere with her.

M: that's what I was thinking. Let me call someone quick then I'll call you back.

I hung up on Ry then called Noah. She might be at sway because whenever she used to go do things with Noah she wouldn't take her phone.

It started ringing then Noah answered immediately.

N: mads what's up?

M: is Riley there with you?

N: umm.... yeah?

M: Noah please don't lie to me.

N: I'm sorry.

M: it's all good got to go. Bye.

I hung up then called Ryland back to tell him I was coming over. It's was about 4 in the morning so it was still pretty dark out. I was still wearing my pajamas but I didn't care. I had to find Riley.

I grabbed my phone and keys then left. It wasn't that long so within the next 5 minutes I pulled up to hype. I got out and locked my car then ran into their house.

"Hey Madi." Patrick said as I ran past him and up the stairs.

"Hey paddy!" I shouted back down at him and carried on running until I got to Ryland room. I knocked over and over again then he answered and I fell through the door. "Found her yet?" I asked. He shook him head.

I ran out of his room then back downstairs to nicks room and repeatedly knocked on his door like I did on Rylands. I checked to see if the door was locked, which it was.

I knocked on it and listened to see if I could hear anything but I all I heard where moans coming from inside. There's moaning coming from inside nicks room, no one can find nick or Riley, Riley always leaves her phone when she does things like that. "Oh no." I said and ran to Rylands room.

"Ry, I think Riley's cheating on you with nick." I said. Rylands face dropped completely and he just froze. "Nicks door is locked do you have a key?"

Ry nodded slowly then pointed over towards it. He was still in shock and was just standing there. "It will be alright." I whispered into his ear and kissed his cheek then went back to nicks room. I couldn't hear moaning anymore but I could hear soft voices.

I unlocked the door and went in. Right in front of me where a half undressed Riley's and a shirtless nick.

"Madison?" Nick and Riley both said in sync. I shook my head and ran out of the room. I went to Rylands room and told him.

"But she said she loved me..." ry said, he sounded like he was about to start crying. Which I've never seen before.

"I know she did. I don't know why she's done this... please don't cry." I said side hugging him awkwardly.

"You don't understand madi. She was perfect, I couldn't stop thinking about her. When I heard her voice everything froze and it felt like we were the only one. I loved her so much and I've never felt that way about anyone." Ryland said falling back onto his bed.

There was a knock at the door so I got up and walked over. I opened the door slightly to see Thomas standing there.

"Hey Thomas. Everything ok?" I asked.

"I have a Riley crying in my room and a Nick crying in Alex's, do you know what's happening?" He replied.

I looked back and Ryland who had his face buried into a pillow. I opened the door more so Thomas could see him he nodded and sighed.

"Can you get nick for me please? I want to talk to him." I said as Thomas started to walk away.

"Don't bother with Riley I don't want to speak to her." Ryland said from the bed. I thanked Thomas then went back over to ry.

"Ugh, I just remembered I live with Riley. Now I don't wanna go home." I said flipping down onto Rylands bed. "She hurt my little rye bread."

"Rye bread? I-" Ryland said sitting up and looking at me. "Fine, ill just call you rat."

"That doesn't make any sense but sure," I said laughing. There was a quiet knock at the door and I turned around to see half of nick through the door. "Let me go talk to him." I said getting up and walking over to him.

I shut Rys door behind me and looked over at nick who looked sad. Almost heart broken. Why though?

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