Six 🧸

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"Guys I have to go my mom needs me." Rosie said getting up. We said goodbye then she left.

Nick and I carried on watching Julie and the phantoms until we got bored and started to make tik toks.

There was this dance that I really wanted to try. It was the 'WAP' dance.

"Should I do the WAP dance?" I asked Nick.

"I mean if you want to you should go for it baby." Nick replied. I smiled and went downstairs and filmed it.

It took about 20 tries until I finally got it. I posted it then went back upstairs.


@Madison.valentine: that's a WAP. 😂🖤🧸


@Nessabarrett: GO GIRL!
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@madison.valentine: I love youuu!

@Nickaustinn: that's my baby🥺🧸
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@madsvalentine: are you dating?
@madison.valentine: luv you nickkyyyy 🖤

@Charlidamelio: YESSSS!
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@Nickaustinlove: Queeennnnn!
@madison.valentine: thx bby

"You killed that baby!" Nick said hugging me. I hugged back and pulled away.

"Thank you." I said. For the rest of the day Nick and I just watched TV, ate and talked.

{ 3 hours later }

"I should probably be getting back to the hype house now." Nick said getting up off my bed.

"Do you want me to drive you back?" I asked.

"It's fine I can Uber." Nick said getting his phone out.

"No I'm driving." I said. Nick insisted on him taking an Uber so he didn't have to waist my time but eventually gave up and let me drive him.

I grabbed my phone and keys and we left. I walked round to the drivers seat and got in. I drove nick back to the hype house and he got out.

"Bye baby." Nick said through the window.

"Bye Nicky. See you tomorrow?" I asked pointing at him.

"Sure. We could go out to eat or something." Nick was saying until I trailed off looking at the cars and saw Riley's.

"Is that Riley's car?" I asked. Nick looked over to where I was pointing and shrugged.

"Maybe. She's probably here visiting Ryland." Nick said.

"Can I come see her?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah of course." Nick replied. I smiled at him and got out my car. I locked it and we went inside.

As soon as I got in I could hear shouting everywhere. We went up to the top floor and Riley and Ryland were cuddling on the couches.

"Ri Ri!" I shouted running toward her. She got up and hugged me tightly.

"Guess what!" She said excitingly. I looked at her confused then looked over to Mia who was also sitting in the room. She shrugged and I looked back at Riley. "Ryland asked me out!"

"Wait really?" I said looking around to Ryland. He laughed a bit and nodded. "Omg yes!" I said hugging her again. We pulled away and I walked over to Ry and hugged him.

"Took my advice then?" I whispered to him.

"Of course I did. Your like the cool sister I never had." He whispered back and we both pulled away. "Speaking of sisters my sister is calling me got to go." Ry said walking away.

Mia got up and went to the kitchen and I followed her. I sat down on the island and waited for her to get her glass of water.

"I need to tell you something." I said when Mia turned around.

"Ok sure what is it?" Mia replied.

I looked around and saw nick in the corner and shook my head. "Not here." Mia nodded and she took me to what I'm guessing was hers and Thomas's room.

"There you go. You can tell me now."

"Ok so, I think I like Nick but we only met like 3 days ago and it was by accident. Also I only broke up with my boyfriend about 2 weeks ago and I don't want to tell Nick I like him because that will ruin the small friendship we have." I explained. "What do I do?"

"Dude that's so much to take in." Mia said. We both laughed a bit and Mia set her cup down. "I think you should get to know nick a bit more, he's such a great guy but you never know. Especially if you don't wanna ruin the friendship you guys have, maybe wait about a week or two to actually decide if you like him or not."

"You are so helpful thank you Mia."

"No problem." We hugged then Mia stayed in her room and I went back upstairs to say bye to everyone.

"Bye guys see ya!" I said walking into the kitchen where most people where.

"Bye baby." Nick said getting up and hugging me. I hugged back then pulled away.

"Bye Nicky." I said mimicking him. I waved bye to everyone else then left. When I got downstairs someone with a camera walked up to me.

"Hey, you've hanging out with nick and the hype house lately. What's going on? The fans wanna know!"

"Umm, nothing really I guess. Nick is my friend I met him 3 days ago and I met the hype house yesterday." I replied.

"Fletcher!" Alex shouted running over towards us. "I'm sorry but Madi has to go so she can't talk right now." Alex said.

"It's all good dude. Bye Madison." Fletcher said to me. I waved and walked away then waved bye to Alex.

As soon as I got in I messaged Alex thank you then I drove away and back home.

My everything 🧸 // Nick Austin. Where stories live. Discover now