Fourteen 🧸

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I was still laying on Quinton's chest about an hour later when I started to get a FaceTime from nick. I looked at Quinton and he nodded so I slowly answered it.

N: Hey Mads.

M: hey.

N: what's happening in your recent tik tok?

M: I was lying on Quinton's chest?

N: yeah but you almost kissed him and you were being so flirty.

I looked up at Quinton who looked really sad. "Im gonna go to the bathroom to talk to him." I whispered to Quinton so nick couldn't hear it.

I got up and walked to the connected bathroom. I sat on the floor in front of the door and listened to nick ramble on.

N: I thought we had something and I was literally gonna ask you out tomorrow but I guess you already have a boyfriend.

M: omg nick, he's like 3 years younger than me. He's cool and everything but he's 16. I'm 19 if I did date him I would get so much hate for so many reasons. Also I'm not the one who had sex with my best friends girlfriend so stop making me sound like the bad guy nick.

N: Madison I-

M: no nick. Talk to me when you can actually act like a normal 20 year old because right now your acting like a 5 year old who's girlfriend gave her marker to another boy.

I ended the call then went back into the room. I laid down in Quinton's lap this time and went on my phone while he played with my hair.

"Oh by the way, Don't be so harsh on nick. He really likes you and is just trying to protect you." Quin said.

I sat up and turned to look at him. "Your right but he was so over reacting. I'm not dating him, I'm not Dating you."

"I get what you mean, Cynthia and I were like what you and nick are to each other. We were really close and kissed a few times but when we actually got together it seemed more of a publicity stunt so we broke up and now she doesn't talk to me much." Quinton said. He stopped playing with my hair and took his phone out.

He showed me an edit of them both before they were dating and after they were dating. They Both looked so much more happier when they were at the stage that Nick and I are at.

"Wow." I looked up at Quinton who was already looking at me. He leaned over towards me and kissed me. I pulled back and looked at him.

"Mads I'm sorr-" Quinton started to say before I cut him off by kissing him. He turned me over so he was on top of me. He started to kiss down my neck probably leaving hickeys.

Jaden then came bursting through the door and Quinton immediately jumped off of me. We both stood up next to each other like soldiers. Jaden just stood there staring wide-eyed at Quinton and I.

"Madison you do realize he's 3 years younger than you right?" Jaden said breaking the silence.

"Yeah I'm can do math Jaden. We weren't going to do anything anyways." I replied.

"Why did you barge in anyways?" Quinton asked.

"Nicks here he wants to speak to Madison but I guess I'll just have to tell him that she's to busy having a 16 year old rail her." Jaden said turning around to walk out the room.

"JADEN I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DO THAT." I said walking after him. Jaden started running but tripped over Josh's foot. Stupid boy.

"Dude why were you running?" Josh asked. Jaden pointed to me then over to nick, Josh looked at me confused and I just shook my head.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." I said. I walked over to Nick and stood in front of him. Ryland walked around the corner and stayed behind nick.

"Has the 5 year old forgiven his girlfriend for the marker incident yet?" I asked sarcastically. Nick rolled his eyes at me then went to walk away but Ryland pushed him back to me.

"You need to talk to her." He whispered to nick. I mean I wouldn't count it as whispering because I could hear it so bad job Ryland bad job.

"Talk then." I said becoming impatient of just standing around when I could be anywhere else.

"I'm sorry for over reacting. I really liked you, still do, but when I saw you with Quinton I didn't know what to do so I freaked out on you and I shouldn't have done that. Please forgive me Mads I love you so much and I don't want us to stop talking."

"I accept the apology but if you think I'm forgiving you then you must be crazy, must be outta your mind. It's not just this is everything that's happened. I love you too Nick but I think we need some space, we've been hanging out 24/7 and I think we just need to separate and think then once we're both ready we can talk again. If you don't want me to I won't come over to the hype house anymore to see Mia, Kouvr, Olivia and other people because I don't wanna invade your space." I explained. Nick was still silent probably taking in everything I just said.

"You don't have to stop coming to the hype house it's fine. I'll just try not to be out when you are." He said then turned around and left.

"I'll text you later Mads. Love you." Ryland said running after him. Does he mean love you in a friend way or love you like because he likes me? Eh doesn't really bother me.

Anyways, I turned around and saw everyone filming on their phones or cameras. I rolled my eyes at them and walked away.

"Bitches." I mumbled to myself.

My everything 🧸 // Nick Austin. Where stories live. Discover now