Three 🧸

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I checked the time and we had about 10 minutes until the viewing so I shut my MacBook down, grabbed my phone and bag then ran downstairs.

"Let's go." I said. My mom grabbed her purse and we left. I got in the passenger side and London got in the back.

It was a 30 minute drive because of traffic but we eventually made it. My mom parked outside and we all got out and walked over to the apartment.

{ back at home }

We got back and I went straight up to my room and called Rosie, Riley, and Ivey on the group chat.

M: guys guess what!

R: what?

M: I just viewed and apartment and my moms putting an offer on it now!

Ro: omg yess.

I: where is it?

M: not far from Riley's.

R: yassss!

I: once you move in we're all having a girls night.

M: of course

M: anyways. I have to go to see if we got the apartment text y'all later.

R: bye mads

Ro: bye bebe.

I put my phone onto my bed and went back downstairs. My mom had a smile on her face which she was trying to cover up with a sad face.

"Did I get the apartment?" I asked. My moms face completely lit up and nodded. I ran and hugged her. "Thank you so much mom!"

"You can move in next week because the person who owned it before already moved out." She said.

"I'm gonna go pack." I said and ran upstairs. I grabbed a few of my suitcases and started to pack everything.

A few hours later I got tired so I put my stuff to the side and got into my bed. I took my phone of charge and went onto Instagram.

I searched up nicks user and looked at his photos. I then went onto my explore page and there were edits of nick with this girl named Dixie D'amelio. They were really close so I'm guessing they were dating.

I messaged nick asking if he wanted to FaceTime cause I was bored. He answered a few minutes later saying 'sure' so i set my phone up and called him. He answered almost immediately.

N: hey baby

M: hey. Nice nickname.

N: I knew you would like it.

M: shut up. Anyways, I saw a few edits of you and a girl called Dixie. Are you da-

N: no. She's my best friend, the fans always think we're dating and it's kinda annoying cause I don't like her.

M: that makes sense. Do you wanna meet up tomorrow or something?

N: sure, I'll send you the address of the hype house and I can introduce you to everyone.

M: sounds good. See you tomorrow then.

N: bye baby.

M: bye!

I ended the call and got ready for bed because I was tired. I washed all my makeup off and put my hair into a messy bun then got into some shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

I turned my lights off then got into bed and went to sleep.

{ next day }

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I reached over and turned it off then got out of bed. I walked over to my bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth.

I went downstairs and made some waffles and took them up to my room. I got a notification so I checked it and it was a message from nick with the address of the hype house.

I quickly finished my waffles then went into my closet to find something to wear.

I quickly finished my waffles then went into my closet to find something to wear

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I grabbed my black Prada bag and phone and went downstairs. I ran back up to grab my plate then left.

I got in my car and drove to the address nick had sent me. I pulled up and it was a huge house. Once I managed to find a place to park I messaged nick I was outside and he came out soon after.

"Madison!" He said running over to my car. I got out and hugged him.

"Nick!" I said pulling away. We both laughed then I locked my car and we went inside. As soon as we got in we were greeted by Ryland and a boy with blondish hair.

"Madison? I didn't know you were coming." Ryland said hugging me. I hugged back then pulled away and looked at nick.

"Dude I told you she was coming yesterday." Nick said. Ryland looked like he was trying to remember it but couldn't. We all laughed then I looked over to the blonde boy.

"That's Patrick." Nick said. I nodded and hugged him. We went up the stairs and nick introduced me to everyone.

"Everyone seems so calm." I said laughing.

"Yup. Do you wanna go to my room?" Nick asked. I nodded so we went downstairs to his room, we made a few tik toks but nick saved them to his drafts because I didnt want them posted.

"So you don't have tik tok?" Nick asked lying down on his bed and patting the seat next to him.

"I mean, I do but I've only posted twice and I don't have many followers." I said laying down next to him.

"Ok, gimme your phone." He said putting his hand out. I got it out from my back pocket and unlocked it then passed it to him.

He searched up his account and followed it then got his phone and followed me back. The rest of the day we hung out all around the house and it was getting late.

"Can I stay here tonight? I don't really feel like driving home." I asked.

"Yeah of course. I can ask Mia if she has any clothes for you to sleep in seeing as you both about the same hight." Nick said.

"Thank youuu." I said. I texted my mom to say I was staying the night. Nick then came in with a top and some sweatpants.

"Here." He said passing them to me. I smiled and went into his bathroom.

I came out and got into the bed next to nick, I fell asleep about 3 minutes later with nicks arms wrapped around my waist.

My everything 🧸 // Nick Austin. Where stories live. Discover now