Chapter One - John Laurence

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I stare at the stars thinking, "God why did you curse me with love?" Someone grabs my hand and I almost jump off the balcony. It's just Peggy, laughing. I let out a short giggle and she stops, blushing. She's been doing this a lot lately. She coughs and a pained expression crosses over her face. She looks up at the night sky, sighing and says, "Alexander's alone. No Eliza, no nothing. It's your last chance." She walks away and disappears into the crowd. I stare at the light pink bubbles floating in my red plastic cup. I take a swig and enter the dance room. My eyes search around until they land on a man leaning against the punch table, Alexander. He's beautiful. All his features work well with each other, from his straight brown hair tied in a pony-tail, to his dark brown eyes. From his smooth, very light tan skin, to his perfect jaw line. I wish I looked like that. Instead my face and light skin are covered in freckles. I tried to tie my dark brown, curly hair into a ponytail, but it turned out looking like a messy low bun. My eyes are a boring dark brown. One might say my eyes look the same as his, but Alexander's are way more pretty. I walk over. Carefully, I stand next to him. His eyes are fixed on the crowd. I'm surprised Peggy could even see him all the way back here. But that's Peggy for you. She's always there when I need her. She's even prepared to try and get me with Alexander, even though she knows that her sister, Eliza, loves him. I think that might be why she cries so much. Trapped between her best friend/sort of brother and her actual sister. "Hey John, how're you doing?" My train of thought is interrupted by Alexander. I turn to him. He's taller than me by a few inches, so I have to look up. "I'm doing fine...Um, nice suit!" I want to slap myself. 'Nice suit?' What kind of pick-up line is that? To be fair, his suit is very good-looking. It's a dark navy blue coat over a white shirt and tie, paired with white pants and black boots. My outfit is pretty much the same, except I was forced to wear an old, hand-me-down, brown coat that has a scratchy layer of fuz on the outside. Alexander nudges me. I freeze at his contact. He laughs at my discomfort and I can feel my face burn. I always wished he would see me but now, I kinda wish I was invisible. We haven't been friends for very long, not like me and Peggy, but I think he would share his secrets with me. Like who he has a crush on. My silence makes him uncomfortable, so I whisper, "You doing ok?"            "I'm doing fine." He replied and turns away, looking back into the crowd. His eyes move around like he's looking for someone and then I see her. A woman with medium brown skin, black eyes and curly black hair that hangs down her back. Her dress is a light salmon color with a darker color on the sleeves and around the top. It has buttons going down the top and white fringe lining the neck and sleeves, paired with white heels. I know with one glance who she is. Angelica Schuyler, The oldest sister. Peggy is the youngest, and mainly has to stop Eliza from getting with Alex, so I never expected Angelica to be a threat. But as Alexander starts to head in her direction, my heart beats faster. He's probably just going to something interesting behind her. He bows and kisses her hand. He's just being polite, nothing more. Angelica smiles and they start to dance. It's fine, it's totally fine. They get close, like, one more step and they'd kiss close. The room starts to spin. I set my glass down and put my hand against the table for balance. Too close. They're getting too close. Suddenly, a flash of yellow bolts towards them. Peggy grabs Angelica and points at me. Angelica's eyes go right past me straight to someone behind me. A woman with pale skin, light brown eyes and long, straight, black hair tied with a blue ribbon. Her dress is identical to Angelica's except with shades off blue. Eliza. Eliza is my biggest competition. Angelica sighs and walks over to Alex. She gives a small nod to Eliza, who then runs over. Angelica disappears into the crowd and Eliza and Alex begin to dance, this time with much more passion. Before anyone can react, they become strangers. Just another face, impossible to find. Peggy comes over, an apologetic look on her face. For the first time I realize how pretty she is. She has smooth, light oak wood skin, and large, black eyes. She brushed her curly, brown-black hair over to one side, so it falls over her shoulder and behind it. Her dress is yellow, with sleeves that come down to her elbow and white lace coming out of them to her wrist. The top of her dress has two bows, one on top of the other. Peggy doesn't wear makeup, because her full lips are already a deep brown and her eyelashes are naturally long. She could get anyone she wanted. A boyfriend, a girlfriend, probably more. But she chose to hang with me, a total dork. Guess that's what friends are for. I take a sip of my drink. Her eyes widen. "What?" I ask. "Mary Sue and Nina put some alcohol in the punch as a prank. Eliza and Alex will probably be to drunk to remember this." She smiles. I spit out my drink, half because I don't want to get drunk, and half because of this new information. Alexander and Eliza are drunk, so they won't remember each other. Alex said he was going to a community collage-the same one I'm going to-because he wanted a basic education before going to any fancy schools. Peggy could have gone to Ivy League, but her father said that her and her sisters would have to get a basic education and work up enough money to pay for half of their tuition for another school. Which for Peggy is less that have of the tuition because she has enough collage credits to pay for a whole semester. Even though Eliza and now apparently Angelica, my biggest rivals, are going to the collage, so is Peggy and she'll stop them. Plus Alexander is going, and my plans are falling into place. I feel sick all of the sudden as I realize something. My parents have never really been okay with gay people. My sister, Cathrine was gay, and after a large fight over her coming out, she ending up moving out when she was only 16. She lived with a friend until she was old enough to buy a house, and we don't visit her. Maybe my parents will be better by the time I come out. I sigh as Peggy moves towards the balcony. It's weird thinking about the future on prom, a night where you're supposed to be thinking about getting drunk, and dancing and having fun. Oh well. All I know is that Alexander will finally be mine.      

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