Chapter Seven - Peggy Schuyler

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I hug my pillow to my chest. Tears flow down my face. Stupid boys. Stupid Alexander. "Stupid Everyone!" I scream, throwing my pillow at the wall. Unfortunately, Eliza walks in right as that happens, so she ends up getting hit in the face. I freeze. She turns slowly, like she's about to get mad, but stops when she sees my face. She starts to laugh. "Oh, Peggy...You look miserable." She sits down next to me and wraps her arms around my body. "What happened." "That sounded more like a demand than a question." "Well then I demand you tell me what happened." I sigh flopping over onto my back. "It's about Alexander and John dating..." "SO YOU DO LIKE ALEXANDER!" Eliza yells. I hit her with another pillow. "No! It's just...they thought that too and when I said no, when I got angry, they just said I was on my period." "They didn't!" "They did!" I sighed again. "Well if you don't like Alexander...why are you so uncomfortable with him dating John? Do you not support gay people? 'Cause if you don't I might have to kill you." Eliza points at me. "No! I support gay people! I - I" I lean in and whisper in her ear. "I love John..." She gasps, a huge, overdramatic gasp. I feel my face turning bright red, so I duck underneath my covers. "But you stopped Alexander getting with anyone else because you care about him so much! That's so cute!" "Stop it! It's so embarrassing!" I wave my hand out in her general direction (maybe) I don't really know where she is since my face is covered in cloth. "Oh, c'mon Peggy! Why didn't you tell me earlier! I could have set you two up!" I laugh, pulling my blankets off my face. "I think you over estimate your ability of match - making." She gives me a playful punch on the arm. Angelica suddenly runs in. "What are you to doing?" She asks. "I was just -" I begin, but she cuts me off. "I heard you have a crush on John!" She smiles at me and sits down. "How did you-" I try to speak again, only for Angelica to interrupt. "I'm the older sister. I know everything." The day ends with a singing party and me feeling better. I groggily wave Angelica goodbye, turning over in my bed. Maybe Eliza can set us up. Oh who am I kidding. It will never work...

Sunlight trickles in through the window. It seems like everyday is starting like this. Heck, I don't even remember the last time I went to classes. But the days are passing by, and it's getting closer and closer to the dance. Where John will go with Alexander, and I'll be stuck with nobody. At least Angelica doesn't care, and literally almost everyone wants to date Eliza. Stuck with nobody. The title of my life. Eliza wanted to go shopping, but Angelica insisted on going in our prom outfits. She said it was "The family symbol" All the dresses are different so I don't know how, but ok. I stare at the poster in the hallway. John walks up behind me. Oh no, not this again. In case you've forgotten, this happened before, when the first kissed. Now I have to make up another excuse. "Peggy?" I turn. Wait - wait - oh! Got one. "John, about yesterday...I was just worried I'd lose my best friend. I didn't want you to forget about me..." I look down sheepishly. "Awww, Peggy! It's ok! You should have just told me." John hugs me and walks away towards Alexander. How stupid is he? I sigh, leaning against the wall, feeling the banner. Can't wait for the dance. Can't wait. I watch as Alexander and John's hands intertwine as they walk away. I feel my own hands curl into fists. I relax them. John is supposed to be my friend, I should support him. I've supported him for long enough! Where's my happy ending? No, no. I have to make sure he stays in a healthy relationship with Alexander. Or maybe....No! I've gone insane. I sigh, leaning against the poster. College is weird. A girl suddenly flops down beside me. I turn to her. She looks almost like me, except bright red lip stick and a matching sweater dress the runs off her shoulder. "Maria?" I ask. She turns to me. A scar runs down her chest, her checks are red and she looks like she's been crying. "What's wrong?" I ask again. "Its - it's James. He seems like he's always doing something wrong. I - he - I get hurt. He cheats on me, but when one guy starts to stare at me, suddenly I'm the worst girl friend in the entire world! He even said he was thinking about breaking up with me!" She starts to cry again. I sit down, hugging her. "Aww..It's OK. And so what if he breaks up with you? He seems like a horrible boyfriend anyway." She sits there, staring for a while, before finally leaving. Leaving, without a word. OK...that was weird. Maybe she will break up with him. At least I'll have made her life better too. I helped John, I think I helped Maria. No time to help myself, though. There's never time for Peggy...

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