Chapter Three - Eliza Schuyler

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I watched as Peggy sat there, stammering out excuses on why she doesn't love Alexander. Sorry Peggy, there is no excuse. It makes so much sense now! Why Peggy Split Alexander and Angelica up. Why she was there when John and Alex were sitting close to each other. Mary Sue used to like Alex, but then she got with Nina because of who? Peggy! Now she's trying to eliminate her last competition. Well, except for Moriah. But Moriah hasn't really been doing anything to Alex since she started hanging out with James. "Eliza, that's crazy! I do NOT love Alexander! Why would I like Alexander that's crazy! C'mon, he's like, two years older than me! Ok, two years isn't that much, but I still don't love him! Eliza you are crazy, cray ZEE!" Peggy yells, starting to sweat. I put my hands on my hips. "Then why do you keep trying to stop him from getting with people! Like, your always there to stop me and him from getting together. Why, if not that you like him?" She looks down, sad. "I - I can't tell you. I promised I wouldn't tell." "Promised who? Yourself? Well the secrets out honey! No need for pretending anymore!" "I'm not pretending to not like Alexander, I really don't like him! He's like a distant cousin to me!" "Distant cousin? 'He's like a distant cousin to me' Do you know how much that sounds like you love Alex?" "Girls! Guess what! I got a new necklace!" Angelica comes in smiling. "SHUT UP ANNIE!" Me and Peggy yell in unison. She glares at us and then leaves, slamming the door shut. Peggy groans, running her fingers through her hair. "I. Do. Not. Love. Alexander!" She said sternly. I mock her groan over dramatically. "Yes. You. Do!" She glares at me and rolls over in her bed. I turn to a window that faces the field. The two dots that were once Alexander and John have disappeared, and night as fallen slowly over the campus. I check my alarm clock. 7:00 p.m.? We were arguing for that long. Great. Now I can't even go out of my dorm because curfew is 7:00. You can go out of your dorm at 6:30 a.m., and you have to be in your dorm by 7:00 p.m. Just what I needed. To have to fall asleep without a confession from my sister, who's supposed to tell me everything! I glare at her and curl up in my own bed, pulling the covers up. I never thought I would sleep, what with all this new information. Peggy loves Alexander! It was so obvious that I never saw how obvious it was! But nevertheless, sleep came anyway. I woke up and checked the time. 9:30. Stretching, I checked if Peggy was awake. She was gone. Eh. She's always going off to go stop Alexander, from getting with anyone. I sigh. Why can't she just admit that she loves Alex? I stumble into the bathroom; I'm always super tired Sunday mornings. I brush my hair back and put on a sky blue headband. I slide into a matching long - sleeves dress with some white leggings underneath. I decide that today, I'll prove to Peggy that despite her efforts, someone other than her can date Alexander. Me to be specific. I put on some white flats and smile at myself in the mirror. I am beautiful! Carefully, I make my way down the stairs and onto the field. Alexander is always on the field in the mornings. He's not alone this time, sitting next to John. To my surprise, Peggy is watching them from the old oak tree. Peggy is wearing her same outfit as before, because she always buys doubles except for shoes. But she realized that it was the middle of fall so a yellow jacked is dangling around her elbows. That's when I notice than John and Alexander are getting a bit too close. They blush, and so does Peggy. I run up to her. She puts her finger to her lips. "Shhhhhh!" I wish I could tell on her, but I want to watch too. Alexander lifts his hand and places it gently on Johns'. I stifle a gasp. Pull away! John flinches, blushes some more and starts leaning in. Oh no, oh no no no no no. This is not happening. Peggy is blushing hard. What is up with that girl? John and Alex get very close, so close that one centimeter more and they're lips would touch. The world starts to spin. This reminds me of Angelica when she danced with Alex. Peggy grasps tightly onto the tree as Alex and John inch closer. But suddenly, she freezes. They kiss. I cover my mouth as tears trickle down Peggy's face. She runs, and I follow quickly. Even though I want Alexander too, Peggy is my little sister. I hug her as she cries in the bathroom. 'Hey, I'm sure You'll be with Alexander later..." "I DON'T LOVE ALEXANDER!" She screams and leans into me whispering, "I love John....but he's to blind to notice." I hold her tight. So that's why she was stopping everyone from getting with Alex. Because she loved John so much she was trying to get him with Alex! I sigh. College is hard.   

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