Chapter 17 - John Laurens again 'cause why not

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WARNING! Character death! Sorry I have a plan for this book...I honestly hate writing this but it's in the PLAN!!!!!

It seems like I've locked myself in our house for at least a year. It was only a few weeks, but still. I wasn't handling Peggy's death so well. So I decided to go her favorite restaurant. I thought it would be a nice way to remember her. It was called "The Red Herring." I think she liked it because Maria worked there. She wasn't friends with Maria, but she always said she wanted to be. But the second I stepped through the door I could feel myself on the verge of tears. What the heck was I thinking, coming here? I bolt out the door, tears streaming down my face. Why did you have to die, Peggy? You were my sunshine...I see Eliza. That's odd, when did she get here? She's crying. mumbling stuff about how she's a horrible sister and all that. She starts crossing the street and I see it. A car coming towards her, not slowing down. I run over and time seems to go in slow motion. I push Eliza out of the way and suddenly BAM! The whole world goes a bright white. The whiteness clears away and pain flows through my body. Everyone's voice seems quiet and stretched out. My vision is blurry, but I can see blood everywhere. There's a loud ringing in my ear. The car flipped over on it's side...did I do that? I see a flicker of a hand. Eliza comes running up, but I can't understand what she's saying. Another flicker. I reach out and take it. I feel myself being pulled into darkness, and for a moment, I lose all feeling. All pain, all sadness...all awareness. But then another bright light and I find myself standing in a white room. There's two girls here...I recognize them. "Hey John." Maria waves, looking down at her phone. Peggy runs up...Peggy. Peggy....she hugs me tight, and soon both of us are crying on the floor. She pushes the tears from my face. " did you get up here?" She sniffs. I smile a bit. "A car hit me...What about you Maria, I don't remember you dying?" "Remember the parade of people yelling 'ding dong the witch is dead'? Yeah, those weren't just theatre nerds. They beat me to death after the whole reynolds pamphlet thing. Most of them got arrested and Eliza was pretty angry at them. I mean, she hated me, but she didn't want me to die, necessarily." She says flatly, not looking up from her phone. "Oh." Is all I can reply. Me and Peggy start crying and hugging again and I finally feel myself relax for the first time since Peggy died. Peace. I am finally at Peace.

Woah sorry for that chapter! You can probably tell where this is going...with the whole character death thing...but you don't know *skip this if you don't want spoilers* who's going to die next! And how they're going to die! Sorry again for that short little chapter, but hey, it's an update! 

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