Chapter Two - Peggy Schuyler

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I wake with a start. It's still dark outside. I turn over to face Eliza. She's still asleep. It's been a few weeks since I got to collage. Eliza turned out to be my roommate. Alexander was with Hercules and John, the odd one out, ended up with no roommate. I was half-right. While Eliza and Alexander aren't together, they did remember prom and there is a lot of giggles and waves. Eliza is the obvious competition. Angelica is too apparently, and that Moriah girl has been eyeing Alexander since orientation. I sigh as I get out of bed. Why am I even doing this. When will John wake up and see that his soul mate has been standing next to him this entire time. If I really loved him, would I be helping him get with someone else, or would I try and get him with me? 6:30. I can't think about this stuff in the morning, especially on the weekends. John's probably already up. I walk out of the dorm and find him by his locker. "Boo!" I shout and he yelps in surprise. "You know, Eliza's still asleep, and Alexander is on the himself..." I say mischievously. He blushes and runs off, probably to find Alexander. I lean against my locker, which is right next to him. You would think this would be enough of a sign fro him to get with me, but nope. To him it's just a, yay, my friend has a locker next to me. My head hurts. After some wandering, I find myself under a large oak tree watching Alexander and John. They're sitting by the bank of the river that runs through the town. It's a very romantic place, and the sun is rising. I convinced John to walk with me there, and we got to the bank right at sunset, I was about to confess, but dear old Alex decided to walk there as well and all hopes of my love confession were in the trash. My fists clench, but I attempt to relax. John is my best friend. I should make sure he gets with his true love, not me. Alexander is getting closer, very close. I blush hard. Is this the moment? The moment that my heart will smash into pieces? The moment John will have his Happily Ever After, and I'll be left to rot? "Alexander!" My thoughts are interrupted as Eliza comes running towards them. I run up as well. Alex blushes and quickly moves away from John. In less then a second, Eliza is all over Alexander. Finally! I'll get a chance, I'll get my fairy tale ending! But when I see John, on the verge of tears, shaking, I have to intervene. "Eliza! You have to follow me! Angelica is calling us it's urgent!" I scream and grab her arm. Her shoulders slump, but she runs after me as we make our way to our dorm. "Where's Angelica?" She looks around. "Um, um...She'll be here in a moment?" Usually I'm a better actor, but my heart is racing. What are John and Alex doing now? Possibly just talking. Or moving closer. OH GOD! What if they kiss? And I'm not there to stop or I don't know, Cheer? I flop down on my bed as Eliza gives me the stink eye. It's hard not telling anybody John's crush. I can't, even if if the knew they would step away from Alex. His family is super conservative, so I can't speak a word about him and Alex to anyone else but John. Eliza gets up. I shoot out of bed to block the door, but she's just grabbing a book. Drat. Now she's on to me. What if she puts two and two together? What if she knows about John's crush? What if she gets blinded by love, then tells John's family to get rid of him? What if - "Peggy, I need to ask you something. About Alexander." I jump. Oh no. She's figured it out. "Not now, Eliza, Angelica's almost here." I stammer. "We both know Angelica isn't coming. Just tell me your secret! I all ready know about it. No use hiding it." "Uhh...BATHROOM!" I scream and run to our small bathroom. I slam the door, panting. She's figured it all out. I'm so, so sorry John! Speaking of which, the window in our bathroom looks over the field...I step on the toilet to get a peek of John and Alex. Hey, you may judge me, but I am his best friend. I have to know whats happened. I can't see much, just some fuzzy dots out in the distance. Oh well, worth a shot. I slump back onto the cold tile. What am I gonna do, stay in here forever? I sigh and open the door, flopping onto my bed. I sit up and look Eliza straight in the eye. I have to seem commanding, confident and bigger. "What is it? I have a secret, but it's not the one your looking for, Eliza. What do you want to ask me?" She looks surprised at my willingness to tell her. Heck, I'm surprised at my willingness to tell her. What is she going to ask? "Hmmm. Stay here." She walks into the bathroom. I feel tears prick in my eyes as I wrap my arms around me, feeling my shirt. It's my favorite shirt, white and yellow striped and short sleeves. It's paired with yellow jean shorts, tall white socks, and yellow combat boots. It's like my comfort outfit, especially when I wear my hair down. I hate hair ties. To constricting. Maybe I should run off. But what if Eliza suspects something like, I vandalized the school or something. Running off would just confirm her suspicions. Oh, and so would saying "I have a secret" you idiot. I groan. Can she hurry up? I want to know what I didn't do but she thinks I did. Oh who am I kidding. She knows John has a crush on Alexander. I cant't do anything to stop her from knowing now. Well I still want to know if she knows, because knowing someone knows will be a helpful thing to know. Wow, may head hurt after that thought. The door clicks, and Eliza walks in. She crosses her arms and purses her lips. What is it? Her eyes narrow. C'mon just tell me! She slowly walks over, but stops midway. "What is it Eliza!?!" I yell, quickly covering my mouth afterwards. She sighs, takes in a breath and asks the question. The question I've been dreading. The question that will reveal John's secret and probably get him kicked out of school by his parents. The question that will undoubtedly ruin his life. The question that I will have to answer with a lie, or with the truth. I sit straighter and listen. "Margarita Peggy Schuyler." She begins, slow like she's trying to torture me. "Do you love Alexander?"   

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