Chapter 13 - Angelica Schuyler

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Author's note: Chapter 13, the unlucky number. I figured something bad has to happen, but something different. So here's Angelica's point of view because I haven't done her. Also I know some true Peggy fans know how Peggy really died, but I'm just going to switch the age a little bit, ok? I don't want to skip suuuper far ahead in the future to get her death age right, ok, Cool? Cool. (don't worry she won't die in this chapter) (she may not even die in this book I don't know sorry this is so long continue reading) ALSO! Philip is not going to die, ok? Not here, not now! OKKKK? I can't write that stuff, he's too...Philip, you know? 

I looked down at my facebook page. Me and Eliza had just gotten back from our trip a few days ago, and the only thing we allowed ourselves to do on our phones was post pictures. I scrolled through Peggy's, disappointed when I realized she was still sick. She was getting worse everyday. Then I checked Alexander, and a small part of me was disappointed when he posted a picture of him, Eliza, and Philip saying "Me and my family!" "I could have been his family..." I sigh quietly. Then I slap myself. No. Angelica, he has a wife, who's your sister! You can't be thinking about this. Suddenly, a notification comes up. It's from this new app called "The News - not - paper." Everyone uses it. (sorry for the lame name, I couldn't think of anything else" A new post from Maria Reynolds...titled the "Reynolds Pamphlet." I open it up and begin to read, horrified by what I see (sorry in advance for how terrible this writing will be), "I, Maria Reynolds, did it with one Alexander Hamilton. He did it willingly, and he was actually the one who asked me to. Now I'm not saying it wasn't my fault, I know it was. But it was his fault, too." I can't read anymore before I rush to Eliza and Alex's house, banging on the door. I hear screaming and crying. More banging on the door, but no one answers. In fact, I think Eliza just yelled at Alex for...blocking the door? Locking it, maybe? No, I can't wait any longer. I have a very rich fiance and I can afford to replace a door. I lift my foot and kick down the door. I walk in and pin Alexander to a wall as Eliza runs straight out the door with Philip. "Angelica...finally someone who understands what I'm-" Alexander begins, but I cut him off. "I'm not here for you! My sister is more kind and trusting than anyone! I love her more than anything, I'll choose her happiness over mine every time! Put what we had aside, I'm standing at her side. could never be satisfied..." I drop him onto the floor, kicking him in the stomach, "God, I hope your satisfied..." I turn swiftly and run after Eliza. I manage to find her crying in the field of...our old collage. Together we face - time Peggy but say nothing. The three of us just stare and mumble comforting words to Eliza. It's all we can do. Peggy says she has to hang up so it's just me and Eliza sitting in silence. Then Eliza starts to speak between tears, "This is the place where John and Alex first kissed. I remember I felt so jealous, watching them" She laughs suddenly, also choking in the process. "Peggy was there too. She - is she still sick?" I pull Eliza close. "Yeah. It's getting worse." Eliza snuggles up to me, still crying. It's just like when we were younger. "I can't believe he did this to me." She says, more quiet this time." I don't say anything. She stares up at me with knowing eyes and says, "You still love him, don't you." "What? Of course not -" I stop. Even I can hear the lies in my voice. How could I still love him? Why do I still love him, he cheated on my sister! But Eliza doesn't seem mad. She starts...smiling? "Finally. I was waiting for the day you'd finally admit to me that you loved him. It's hard keeping that kind of stuff inside, you know? I...I want to be happy. But I want you to be happy too. You have a wealthy fiance, getting married soon, right? Isn't that fun? Like I said...I want you to be happy. I want to be happy too, but I - I..." She sighs, and stands up. "Eliza...?" I begin. She just turns to me with tear - filled eyes and whispers, "I want to be happy. I have to forgive him." She turns and walks away. I wouldn't be able to forgive him. But Eliza...she trusts people so easily, of course she'd forgive them fast as well. I lay on my back in the grass as memories of Alexander flow into my head. Not just and Alexander. I feel a rush of guilt and also love as I remember when me and Alex kissed. It was the very beginnings of them dating, and she left to go ask Peggy if she'd like to join us on our walk. And then me and Alexander kissed...and then Eliza came back with Peggy so we had to stop before she saw. It was! No it wasn't. I cheated on my own sister with her boyfriend. It wasn't really her boyfriend though...I mean it was, but they just started dating the day before. It didn't matter. ...It mattered to me. I sigh, staring at salmon colored clouds moving across the baby blue sky, a dash of yellow sun peeking out. It reminded me of us, the Schuyler Sisters. Then I realized all the things I had messed up. I had always favored Eliza...heck, I went on a vacation with her even though Peggy was sick, and still is. I - . I shoot straight up. I haven't visited her. Me and Eliza...we never visited her once since she got sick. But I - I take a breath. It's ok, Angelica. It's ok. I can't visit her now. I start walking towards Eliza and Alex's house. I have - I have to be there for Eliza.

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