Chapter Nine - Peggy Schuyler

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I rub my head, waking up. John stands in front of me. "Peggy?" The memory of last night floods back into my mind. I feel myself turning red. "I'm sorry about last night! I probably ruined your relationship with Alex, and now we can't be friends because I like you and it just gets awkward and -" He kisses me. Wow. Not gonna lie, I was not expecting that. "Oh, right. I should probably ask. Peggy will you be my girlfriend?" "Uh...sure?" This was not how I expected to confess to John. But I mean, it worked out! "Where's Alexander?" I ask suddenly, an idea forming in my mind. "He's somewhere by the lockers...why do you want to know?" He replies. I open my mouth, then close it. I don't know why I want to know. "I want to see what the heck that monster of a human is talking about. Or...I want to see if he still cares..." I grab his wrist and start walking towards the lockers. "You're right! I need to know what the heck that monster is talking about - " I stop, covering his mouth. Alexander is there talking to...Eliza? "Eliza...Look. I know what I did was wrong, but you have to understand!" He says. Good! She's probably telling him off. He deserves it. "I...I can't deny my feelings for you...but my sister...and John! What about your relationship with John?" She replied. Wait - what? She likes him? Hold on a minute..."Eliza, that was...I cared for John. I loved him! But it was just a practice, it meant nothing." I drop my hand. That little..."Really...Alexander, I -" He kisses Eliza, interrupting her rejection. C'mon sis! Kick 'em where it hurts! But she doesn't. She just relaxes, closing her eyes and...kissing back. John turns slowly, starting to walk away. Oh no..."John, I'm so sorry!" I begin, but he starts to away from Alexander...or me? I should go after him...or maybe...I run towards Eliza and Alexander. "Eliza how could you!" I yell, pushing them apart. Alexander opens his mouth, but I interrupt him. "Oh, and John heard the whole thing! You're a terrible person!" I scream even louder this time, Eliza pulling me away. "Peggy what are you doing?" She whisper - yells. I just glare at her and run off towards John. I should do more, like...punch her or something. But I just can't, I can only thing of John right now and he needs me! A tiny voice starts to whisper in my head, "Does he? Is he only dating you out of pity? Why else would he want to date you? Your love confession was in a drunken haze..." I shake my head. I can't listen to the voice right now. John needs me! ...Right?

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