Chapter 15 - John Laurens

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The day went by in a blur until the will reading, where the whole family sits on a crisp white couch. The room we're in is all bright white with a white chair across from us. A man with pale skin and dark hair walks in, wearing a gray suit and holding a piece of paper. "Ahem." He begins, sitting on the chair. "I, Peggy Schuyler, leave the following to one John Laurens: All my money, the house, and," He stops, reaches into his pocket and pulls out a dark wooden box with gold accents before continuing. "This." He hands me the box. I don't open it, waiting for him to start speaking again. He eyes me before continuing, "I would like to give my sisters these-" He hands Angelica and Eliza two scarfs, one pink and one blue. "And they can also sort through my clothes. Except one. My yellow prom dress I leave to John Laurens." Another man comes in carrying a heap of yellow fabric. I take the dress and both of the men leave.

The next few weeks are a blur: filling out paperwork, getting money, watching Angelica and Eliza silently cry when reading their texts from Peggy. My life doesn't seem complete after Peggy died. Things between Eliza and Alexander are way better, Alex and Angelica still are awkward towards each other. I'm still tense with him. He cheated on me. Then instead of learning his lesson, he goes and cheats on his wife with the same person.  If I was Eliza I wouldn't forgive him that easily. I stare at the box sitting on my beside table. I haven't opened it. The truth is, I'm scared. I don't want to know what's in there, but at the same time, I do. Carefully, I grab the box, shut my eyes, and open it. I open my eyes slowly and gasp.

Inside the box  there is something I know meant the world to Peggy. Her mother's locket. It's on a gold chain with a gold heart that opens up. It contrasts the dark red velvet padding inside the box. I open the locket and find a picture of Peggy, smiling, next to a picture of me, also smiling. A paper note flutters out reading: Dear John, I probably should have given this to Eliza or Angelica, but hey. I already finalized my will so I guess it's yours now. Be careful with it." I start to cry. After drying my tears, I clasp the necklace around my neck and put the box on my bedside table. Peggy didn't deserve to die. She was so young...and I'm crying again. I curl up on my bed. I quickly open up the group chat on my phone. Peggy did go out with a bang. It was crazy. I sigh. I almost feel bad for Angelica and Eliza. They must feel horrible. And yet I don't care in the slitest.

Sorry this chapter is short, but the next chapter will be great I think!

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