Chapter Ten - Eliza Schuyler

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I opened the door to my dorm room slowly. I was...smiling. I couldn't help it! Alexander, my like, life time crush finally kissed me. And even better? He said we could date! And yet, I still feel horrible about his whole cheating on John thing. But he would never cheat on me...right? I sigh, staring out the window at the end of the hallway. It's night time, I must have stayed in Alexander's room for hours. The smile gets wiped off my face the second I walk in. Two girls stand there, arms crossed. They're wearing pajamas, flowy nightgowns that reach their ankles. Peggy and Angelica. Angelica has a light salmon gown, and Peggy is wearing a pastel yellow one. Angelica came...I'm dead. "Elizabeth Schuyler. You are in big trouble." Angelica said, calm but angry. Peggy focused a death glare in my direction. "Do you know why?" She asked flatly. I sigh, closing the door, "Look, Angelica, you can't get mad at me because I'm dating Alexander. You have to get over the fact that he loves me...more than you." Angelica looks taken a back, then dramatically places her hand on her chest. "Young Lady! That is not why I am mad at you! You're dating a man who cheated on his previous lover right in front of him!" My shoulders slump. "Oh yeah..." I say quietly. Peggy throws her hands up before stomping over. "Oh yeah? Oh YEAH? That's all you have to say? Eliza! What has gotten into you? He cheated on my boyfriend!" She stops before pushing me back. "And who's to say he won't cheat on you, too?" She pushes me again, "Eliza! Can't you see? He's juts going to break your heart!" She pushes me harder, so hard that I slam against the closed door. I fall, sliding down the door until I'm scrunched up on the floor. "But you'd let him break your heart." Peggy hisses. Angelica glares at me before pushing me out of the way and leaving, slamming the door behind her. "Peggy..." I begin, but she just curls up in her bed. "Peggy, listen to me!" I walk over, only to be greeted by her middle finger sticking out of the covers. "Margarita!" I exclaim, but she just groans. I take a breath, putting on my own nightgown which is blueish white. I sit on my bed, suddenly hearing a "Thanks a lot, Eliza." "What?" I ask. Peggy sits up, her eyes red and puffy, tears flowing down her face. "Thanks a. Lot! Thanks to you and Alexander, John ran away! I haven't been able to find him. I finally got what I wanted, John! My crush since...forever! And you've probably ruined the one chance I got to be noticed! To be more than just, 'Eliza's sister, Angelica's sister' to be more than just 'And Peggy'. But you wouldn't understand that, would you? You get all the attention! You've never been forgotten, and everyone always knows your name! You have no problem getting boyfriends because every boy who's bi or straight loves you! And yet you wallow in your own pity when we call you out, so everyone feels bad for you! My relationship with John is ruined, thanks to you! I'll just go back to being forgotten. So yeah, thanks. A lot." She pulls the finger again before crawling back to sleep. Her words...hurt. Because they're sort of the truth. I never knew Peggy felt this way, but yeah. No one knows her name. I always have to introduce her. I can't say anything back, so I just flop onto my bed. I want to tell her it's all going to be OK. But I won't. Suddenly, I hear a scream that gets cut off. I sit up, pulling off my covers. Who could that be? A harsh slapping sound and another cut off scream makes me leave my dorm. I follow the sounds to a dorm. The dorm. Maria and Jame's dorm. I don't want to help her. I want to let her get get hurt, but I can't. It's who I am, I have to help her! The door opens and I shrink into the darkness of it's shadow. A man with dark skin and harsh eyes storms out, his black hair fluttering in the small wind he created. James, Maria's boyfriend. I walk inside and contain a scream. Maria lays on the floor, her face red...a scar going down her chest and a fresh cut across her forehead. She's wearing a similar nightgown to me, except it's light red and the top is cut lower. I kneel besides her. Her eyes are closed, and she's breathing. James knocked her out! It was probably because of the cheating thing. Did they break up? I - I need to help her. I search the dorm for a first aid kit and find it under the bathroom sink. After fixing her up, she opens her eyes. Tears flow silently down her face. She doesn't say a word as she just crawls weakly into bed. I don't know what to say either so I just go back to my dorm. I don't understand. I just got everything I wanted...but at what cost? 

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