Chapter 18 - Alexander Hamilton

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Eliza comes running home. I set Philip down, going over to comfort her. She's out of breath and shaking. "The hospital...we need to get to the hospital!" She screams. "OK, ok! Let me get a baby sitter!" Eliza runs to the car. I call Angelica. "Hey Eliza needs me at the Hospital can you baby sit?" "No, I'm already's John." I almost drop the phone. Oh's John. John's in the hospital. I call Hercules. "Hey I need you to baby sit." I say quickly before hanging up. Eliza drives like a maniac when someone's hurt. We blast through the streets at the speed limit. We arrive and barely listen to the doctors, bursting into John's room. He looks like a mess with all these tubes hooked up to him..."Eliza what happened?" I ask. She takes a shaky breath. "I was walking down the street and suddenly a car came rushing towards me and he...he pushed me...and he-" She starts crying. There's no need to finish the sentence, I already know what happened. I realize Angelica's here too. "Hi John..." I say awkwardly. Just my luck, he dies. Right then and there, just dead. And for the first time in forever, I start crying. The week goes by in a blur and my life feels empty without John. I sigh. Angelica wants me to go to the mall with her and Eliza. Shopping for Philip, I guess? I arrive and yet don't bother to pay attention. Then a shot rings out and everyone screams. Eliza holds Philip tight underneath her as she drops to the ground. Angelica does the same, hands covering her neck. We stay like that until the police come. They drag him by us and I see it before they do. Another gun...pointed towards Eliza. I fall over her and feel a shot of pain go through my back. Then everything goes white. When my vision clears I see people...I know these people! Maria Reynolds sits in a corner, looking at her phone. John runs up to me. "Alex! You made it!" He exclaims. "J - John?" I stutter. I'm dead. Holy chicken nugget farts I'm dead...Peggy runs up. She punches me in the stomach. "That's for cheating on John!" She punches me again. I double over. "That's for cheating on Eliza!" Then she hugs me...wait what? "And that's for saving her." She smiles. I smile back. "She'll be here soon, right? I miss her..." Peggy asks sadly. "She'll come. Just you wait."

Sorry for the short chapter but hey it's an update, right? <3

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