Chapter Eight - John Laurens

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I stare at the door, my hand hovering above the handle. "Open it! I wanna dance!" Alex nudges me jokingly. "I - what if Peggy's mad? I mean, yesterday she didn't seem like she actually was OK..." "John! Don't worry about Peggy, at least not tonight! Have fun!" He laughs, opening the door for me. I sigh, then take his arm. I should have fun tonight. We walk through the crowd of dancers. I smile. This really takes me back. In fact, we're wearing the same clothes. Ok, I stopped growing and the outfit fit, so I'm using it. I take my usual spot by the punch table. Now I'm getting some serious de ja vu as Alexander leans against it next to me. "Do you mind if I leave? I think I see my old friend from Middle School..." He says, squinting at the crowd. "Um...ok? Just come back! I don't like being a lone." I say as he disappears into the crowd. Luckily I won't have to be alone because Peggy comes up next to me. Or more of falls next to me. "Are you...Drunk?" I ask. "Hah! You're funny...he.." She laughs groggily. Oh great. Nina and Mary Sue must have drugged the punch again. "You know...I really like you." She smiles. "Um, great? I like you too, Peggy. You're my best friend." "No, no.." She begins, taking another sip of her drink. "I you! I've always loved you..." Suddenly her tone turns angry and hurt. "But you always liked stupid Alexander and his stupid perfectness. And I had to be a 'good friend' and help you end up with him as you constantly friend - zoned me..." She attempts to throw the drink at me but ends up drinking it herself. She's always loved me? What is happening? Her tone changes again, this time to a dramatic voice. "Alas! Here I am, drinking my problems awa - F**k" She stops suddenly, blanking out. I turn to see what she's looking at. It's Alexander. And Maria...kissing.

In a second, me and Peggy switch. She becomes un - drunk? Soberfied? I don't know. But I become a dazed and hurt boy glued to a punch table. It happens in a blur, Peggy dashes over. And then it turns slow motion as her fist collides with Alexander's face. Maria picks up her skirts and runs so fast, it almost looks like she's jogging in this weird view I'm having. Alexander holds his face as the crowd devours him. The world slowly enters back into a normal time speed. Some people are trying to hit Alexander, some are congratulating him for scoring Maria, and some are asking him if he's OK because he just got punched. I stumble over to Peggy, right as she snaps back into drunkenness. She wobbles, then collapses on the floor in one, drunken heap.

Angelica runs over, after seeing the whole thing. "I'll take care of of Peggy. You go after Alexander." "Are you sure?" I ask. She rolls her eyes, "This isn't the first time this had happened, silly." I give her my best confused look as I run towards where Alexander went. I want to give him a piece of my mind...No, I want to CRUSH him with a piece of my mind! Hey, this being mad at people is kind of wonder Peggy does it so much. I weave my way through the crowd until I'm out of the room...where did he go? Of course. I walk towards the field where he sits, alone. "Alexander." I say flatly. He turns suddenly, his face bright red. "Listen, John. You have to understand, it was her fault! She - she's a witch! She" "I don't want to hear it." I cut him off. "I have a you still love me?" I ask. His eyes widen. OK maybe I'm being a little cruel with what I'm doing next but if anyone has ever cheated on you, you might understand. "Of course I do John! This - this was just a small mistake." He steps closer, leaning in for a...kiss? I lean in too and whisper quietly in his ear, "You still love me? Good. Then it will hurt that much more when I say this...I'm breaking up with you." He pulls away, suddenly mad. "What? You can't do that." I roll my eyes and scream, "I Am Breaking Up With You!" He looks down, a mix of angry, sad, and confusion. "Nobody dumps me..." He begins, but I'm already walking away.

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