Chapter Six - Alexander Hamilton

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Let's make one thing clear. I love John. Of course I do, he's my boyfriend! But I'm not limited to just men. I like girls, too, and both genders have broken my heart. And, yes, I love John, but still I don't expect this thing to last forever. I know this is college and you're supposed to be getting serious about things, but still. And even if I don't think this relationship is going to last forever, I still care about John. So I came to the small reunion at his sister's house when his dad kicked him and his mom out. I hate his dad. I think anyone would, even if they hated John, too. Not that I hate John. Sunlight pours in through the window. The week went by in a blur, and it's already Saturday. I pass banners and posters in the hallways for a College sponsored dance, kind of like prom. Prom. That really takes me back. I remember John awkwardly coming up to me and shrinking into a pile of sadness when I danced with Angelica and Eliza. It was really because of Peggy that I stopped dancing with Angelica. She probably intended for me to get with John right then, but Eliza caught my eye. Peggy really is a great friend, she even offered to punch John's dad for him, but he refused. Sad, I kind of wanted to see her punch the guy. I smile, walking past the posters and onto the fields. I sit down and watch the sunrise. This is where me and John had our first kiss. Obviously, it wasn't my first kiss...ok, so maybe it was. But don't judge me! I've been waiting for the perfect moment. Speaking of kissing, me and John don't really do that stuff. To mushy in my opinion. I smile as John skips over. "Your awake?" I ask. He frowns. "Don't act so surprised!" I laugh as he sits down. A sharp crunching sound rings in my ear. I turn around quickly, just in time to see a flash of yellow zip behind the old oak tree. John sits up. "Peggy?" He asks. Peggy runs out from behind the tree and freezes when she sees me. She runs back to the school. "What's up with her?" I ask. "I don't know...I better ask." I follow John as he runs after Peggy. Now that I think about it, Peggy's been acting weird like this ever since me and John got together. Maybe...OMG! She has a crush on me. It's so obvious! So obvious in fact, that even John thought so. I listen in on his conversation behind a locker. "Peggy, I know why you're doing this. It - it's a little weird, but I'm willing to still be friends." He says slowly. "Why am I doing this, then?" She asks, crossing her hands over her chest. "You have a crush on Alexander. That's why you've been crying so much, and why you seem so uncomfortable with us being together." "I. Don't. Love. Alex. Why does everyone keep thinking that?" She yells, pushing past John and shoving me hard into the wall. "You should know not to intrude on conversations like that." Ok so maybe she doesn't have a crush on me. Or maybe...maybe she's just trying to hide it. I mean, who wouldn't like me? WARNING: THIS NEXT PART IS ABOUT HOW STUPID MEN ARE WHEN THEY TALK ABOUT PERIODS! THEY ARE MEANT TO SEEM LIKE THIS, IT IS NOT MY OPINION!

John came up and patted me on the back. "Sorry about that." He looked around, and the whispered in my ear, "She must be on her...Period" I nodded and a shoe hit my forehead. "Just because I am angry..." Peggy began, coming over to grab her shoe. "Doesn't mean I AM ON MY PERIOD!" She yelled and hit John with the shoe before slipping it back on and storming up to her dorm. "If she's not on her period, what's wrong?" I ask. "No idea." John replied, leaning against the locker. I smile at him. I turn around to face the hallway and my eyes go in a daze. A girl walks by. She has dark skin and deep red, full lips. Her eyes are large and black, with dark, long hair covering on of them. She's wearing a short but flowy red dress, and red heels to match. I stare, she's so beautiful. John says something. "Yeah, uh huh." I wave my hand in his direction. So beautiful...amazing. John says something again, with more intensity. "Mm hm, I get it..." I say, still dazed. The girl is Maria. She's dating James, but he really doesn't treat her well. To prove it, she has a scar running from her neck that reaches down to her chest. It somehow makes her more beautiful. She's so pretty, repeats the thing he said, this time angry. "In a second John!" The girl stops, noticing my stare. She winks and flips her hair, walking out of view. I feel myself blush. A sharp slab hits my arm. "Ow! John, what the-" "Alexander." I turn to John, noticing his anger. "I didn't do anything! She was the one who looked at me!" "You did your share of staring, too, Alex." John put his hands on his hips. "Hey, babe. You know I only have eyes for you." I put my hand on his shoulder. He smiles, and lets his hands drop to his side. "I know...I - I just don't want to lose you." I laugh. "You'll never lose me!" Silence, then a quick whispered, "I know..." We move closer.


Closer, closer. I feel his breath. One little kiss, and the moments gone. Like I said, I don't like that mushy stuff. John blushes and almost looks sad once we pull away. I must be a really good kisser. He sighs, focused on the spot where Maria was. "I'm heading up to the dorms." He said flatly, and walked away. Ok, so maybe not a good kisser. I wander the school until I find myself staring the the College Dance poster again. Obviously I'm taking John...right?  

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