Chapter Eleven - Alexander Hamilton

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I walk out my dorm silently, hoping to god I won't run into John. Then I immediately run back inside, throwing on a collage debate team long sleeves shirt. I start heading towards the field. We have the day off, so I can stay there as long as I want. Suddenly, I bump into someone. That's weird, no one else should be up. I turn to apologize but stop. The girl in front of me looks like Peggy, except with her hair is brushed over to one side and her lips are the smallest bit fuller, wearing red lipstick. Maria. She looks too nice for the morning. She's wearing a red sweater dress with black leggings and hiking boots, the same color as the dress. She carries a duffle bag completely full of...clothes, maybe? "Going somewhere?" I ask, glaring at her. She ruined my life. I mean, yes, I did kiss her, but she was dressed so...she looked...she was asking for it, I swear! She fixes me with a stare of equal intensity, "Yes actually, I'm going away. This place has only brought me unwanted pain and drama." We stare at each other for a bit. Then we kiss. It's the kind of kiss they do at weddings, sort of long but not gross. She pulls away and whispers, her voice cracking, "I can't do thing again...Goodbye, Alexander." Then she pushed past me and starts to run away. All I can do is stare at her, slowly shrinking into the distance before disappearing behind a door. I can't believe it. Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around me. I quickly turn to see Eliza. Her hair is tied in a low ponytail and she wears a sky blue dress with white leggings and blue flats. I smile at her. Finally, my actual girlfriend is here. She's smiling, so I don't think she's seen me and Maria kiss. "Eliza!" I exclaim happily. She kisses my cheek softly. "Hi" She says calmly. I hear clomping further down the hallway. Why is everybody up this early? John slams into me, tears in his eyes as he walk away. Peggy glares at me and Eliza and runs after him. She looks miserable. She has dark circles under her eyes and her hair is a tangled mess, tied half - hasardly into a pony tail that just looks like a poofy mess with her curly hair. She's wearing a yellow hoodie with black leggings and matching yellow hiking boots, laces barely tied. I feel bad for her, seeing her silent tears flow down her face as she runs after John. "What's up with her?" I ask, looking at Eliza. She looks down sheepishly, "Peggy and Angelica think it's wrong to date you. Angelica is just plain mad. Peggy is angry that I'm dating the guy who cheated on her boyfriend -" She pauses. So John's dating Peggy now? I'm's fine. Why does it not feel fine? Eliza takes a breath and continues, "Peggy thinks you're going to cheat on me. But you wouldn't break my heart like that...would you?" I think back to me and Maria's kiss this morning. I gulp. "No, never." I lie, turning away from her. "Where are you going?" She asks. "I'm just checking on John and Peggy, wanna come?" Eliza thinks for a moment before saying, "I'll be there in a bit, just let me get Angelica. You can go without me." I smile at her and walk towards the field. John is no where to be found, only a yellow figure scrunched up on the grass. Peggy. I sit down next her. She's hugging her knees...crying. She looks up at me angrily. Her eyes are puffy and red, so's her nose. Tears stream down her face. And I thought she looked like a mess before. Nothing happens for a moment. Angelica and Eliza come, but still nothing. It's unsettling, nerve's weird. After a while of just nothing, Me and Eliza leave. Angelica stays with Peggy, whispering comforting words that seem to do nothing. "Wanna go get some Lunch?" Eliza asks. It's already lunch? Wow, time really flies when you run into your ex-boyfriend in the hall way. "Sure!" I say happily, I was getting hungry. We head off the campus straight to a restaurant called "The Red Herring." It sounds more like a club, but Eliza said she's been there before. Even though we had no reservations, a woman leads us to a table and takes our orders. I don't really pay attention 'cause Eliza orders for me. All I can think of is how red it is in red. Maria. I blink. can't be Maria. "Maria! I didn't know you worked here!" Eliza exclaims. It is Maria. I can tell how uncomfortable Eliza is, but she's being so nice. I look at Maria. Her outfit has changed to a red dress with a black belt and apron. She wears black tights with red heels. I asume it's the uniform. The kiss floods into my mind. No, she said she couldn't do it again. I could. No! Just stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop - "Oh Hi. Eliza, right?" Maria asks, her voice dark and smooth. Then comes the dreaded nothingness. Maria scribbles something on her notebook and leaves. "Well. I didn't know she got a job." Eliza states flatly. "Me neither." I reply. After Maria left, the mood was kind of ruined. It was too awkward to talk about anything, and I could tell that all me and Eliza were thinking about was Maria. "I have to go to the bathroom..." Eliza says quietly, leaving the table. It is then that I see the note in front of me. It's in the curly but neat hand writing of Maria. It looks like it was torn from her notebook quickly, with rough edges and cuts going across the top. I pick it up and begin to read. "Meet me on the field midnight tonight" I read it slowly, over and over again. Suddenly, Eliza comes back. I quickly shove the note in my pocket, and thankfully, she doesn't see it. 

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