Chapter 14 - Peggy Schuyler

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I sit on my bed, staring at the dial button on my phone, and extremely sick. I hadn't really needed to hang up, but I could tell Eliza and Angelica wanted to have alone time. Without me. I check their facebook pages. It hurts every time I see an old photo from their trip. I'm sick, and instead of cancelling the trip to stay with me they went on it without me. They haven't visited me once. I open up texts, excited for something I just remembered. Me and John got eloped. Except it wasn't really eloping, just a tiny not - wedding, but still married thing at the church. So I went on me, Angelica, and Eliza's group chat and texted: Me and John got Married! A minute went by. Then an hour. As hour two came along still no one had texted back. I'm about to hurl my phone at the wall when suddenly I hear a bing. It's Eliza. Of course, she was probably just dazed. Her husband just cheated on her...and...I read the text. And then I scream. It says: Cool. I forgave Alexander. Cool? I just got married and all she says is cool? And Angelica hasn't even replied yet! Angelica always favored Eliza. She never introduced me at parties and always said "My sister's Eliza." Not Peggy and Eliza. Just Eliza. And Eliza and me used to be great friends until Angelica started talking to her more. Then she dumped me for Angelica and I was left alone. Suddenly I start coughing, more and harder then usual. I realize what's happening, and...I do something I'm not proud of. I start texting on the group chat. If I'm going to die, I'm going to make sure they feel guilty about how they always forgot. "Really? Cool? All I get is a cool? I just got married and all you do is change the subject to all about you? And you, Angelica. You haven't even replied! I'm probably going to die today and you haven't visited me once! I hope that you're happy." Send. Ok, now I can collapse on the floor in pain and call 911. Ok, so maybe calling 911 should have been my first priority, but I my life isn't in a great place right now. I pass out. Then I wake up in a hospital. Then I pass out again. When I wake up again, I see Eliza, Angelica, John, and Alexander. Eliza and Angelica start to apologize but I'm in no mood to hear it. "Oh so now you care. It takes me dying for you guys to care. I hate you." Then I pass out again. Then guilt starts to creep into me. What was I doing? Was I finally just saying all the thoughts that had gone on in my head since...since forever? I wake up to find only John there. Carefully, I lean forward and whisper in his ear, "I love you. And you deserve the world, you deserve so much better than I could give you. But you stuck around so I love you more than anyone. You mean the world and don't ever think different. I love you. I love you. I love you." He begins with an "I love you too" But then I pass out. It's taking longer for me to wake up. Then I realize: I died. I'm dead. So is this death? No clouds, no angels, not even a reincarnation. Just darkness. Am I just going to float in darkness forever? But suddenly I lose that feeling. I lose guilt, sadness, all emotion. I am not aware of anything now. I am not aware that I am dead. So this is death. Nothing, and you're not aware of it. And as I sink into unawareness, I am finally at peace.

Oh my god. I'm sorry this is so short and it's NOT the end of the book, ok? I just can't write this chapter anymore because, um, she's dead, and I'm like mad at myself for killing my FAVORITE character. Emphasis on FAVORITE!!! So I'm like...sad. But there will be more! Honestly, though, I probably should just leave it like this but I must write more. Bye!   

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