Chapter 16 - Maria Reynolds

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James pulls my hair and starts hitting me. How did I get in this situation again? Oh, right. I was running down the street, avoiding a angry mob of people who were trying to throw rocks at me when James grabbed me, pulled me into a dark ally and started beating me up. "You little s!ut! You cheated on me!" He screamed. I managed to speak weakly, "I broke up with you. I didn't cheat on you at all!" He paused for a moment before going back to hitting me. Suddenly a woman yelled, "Stop that!" Me and James turned to see...Eliza? "What on Earth are you doing to her? I've already called 911, so back off!" James tries to escape, running at her with full speed. But the police cars already arrive, grabbing him. Eliza walks up to me. I look away. Why would she do that? "Why did you do that?" I ask quietly. She sighs, helping me up. "It's just who I am. I would have loved to see you get...attacked by him. It's what you deserve and all that stuff. don't deserve it. Not from him, at least. I couldn't just stand by. I hate you, Maria. But I won't let you get hurt." I watch as she disappears.

Peggy died. After I went to my apartment, I saw a notification on my phone. Angelica had posted some sad post about Peggy moving on to a better place. I...I don't know how I feel about this. I mean, I never really knew Peggy, but she was the only one who understood what it was like to be me. Forgotten. Always in the background. She was the only one who wasn't mean to me, and she never hurt me or ruined my life. She was like a ghost friend. Peggy wasn't really there, but at the same time she was. So...I guess I'm sad? Jealous maybe? Wait - Jealous? Why would I be Jealous...then it hits me. She was in a happy relationship. I mean, her life probably sucked, thanks to her sisters always outshining her, her fragile relationship with John, and the tenseness between her and Alexander. But yet, John never hit Peggy, or hurt her...or broke her heart. Well he kind of did, but that was back when he and Alex were dating. Speaking of which....drat. Welp, Eliza forgave him. I wouldn't. I would let him wallow in his mistakes and hook up with some hot guy that's better than him in every way. But I guess Eliza's not me. She's some perfect human being with an over whelming amount of kindness and forgiveness. I mean, she proved that today, right? I stare back at Angelica's post about Peggy. All the comments are stuff like, "OMG that's horrible!", "Awww, I'm so sorry...", and "I feel so sorry for you" Her followers sky rocketed. I guess people felt sorry for her. For her. Nothing about Peggy in the comments, all for Angelica. I know Angelica didn't mean it to be like this, but still. She could have tried a little harder to make it about Peggy. I sigh, opening up the NewsNotpaper app. All the recent posts are just replies to mine, the one about me and Alexander. As if on que, I suddenly hear angry banging on my apartment door. Not again. I look out the window and see an angry mob holding rocks and hurling them at my window. Can't they just get over it? I guess everyone really likes Eliza. I sigh, sliding on some running shoes. I open the door slowly, and bolt out the apartment. The entire mob followed me and all I could think was: "Holy chicken nugget farts what did I get myself into?" I figure I can lose them in the ally way...probably. But then I stop. For some reason, I stop. And the crowd engulfs me. Pain goes through my whole body as they kick me and throw rocks. Then nothing. Then the unawareness...then...a light? That can't be good. And a hand...Peggy's hand. Oh dang. I died. "So I got murdered by a bunch of angry people who need to learn how to mind their own business?" "Yep." Peggy replied. Wait - Peggy? I open my eyes. I find myself in a white light...just brightness and nothing else. And Peggy. Peggy stands in front of me. "Is this heaven...'cause I don't think I should be here..." I start, but Peggy interrupts me. "No heaven here. Just a weird place you go when you die. I thought I could finally be at peace then suddenly I was thrown into this place." We sit in silence. Then all there's left to do is wait for other people to join us.

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