Chapter Five - Mrs. Laurence (John's Mom)

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I spit out my tea. All I can think is "Not again!" Not with John. He was my little baby, never disappointing me. But now...I set my cup down. "Your what?" My husband says, his voice breaking. John starts to shake. I knew this would happen. The way he acted, ever since he was a child. I sigh. John sits down and begins to speak. "This is my boyfriend Alexander. Not my friend who is a boy, but my Boyfriend. Romantically. I like girls, too. But as of right now, I am dating a man. Please don't freak out...." I want to freak out. But I realize something. This is where I messed up with Catherine. Now she's so distant, and I can't contact her. I don't want that to happen with John. I open my mouth, but Mr. Laurence speaks up first. "Ruth, can I talk to you?" We walk into the small room underneath the stairs. "Johnathan, I think, I think this might be a good thing." "Ruth, listen to yourself. Well this isn't as bad as Cathrine, he still likes other men! It's a sin, we have to help him! We have to change him into something better." "No, you want to change him into yourself! Johnathan, I want John to love me, to think of me as his mother not the crazy woman who sent him away like Cathrine!" Johnathan glares at me. I leave the room and manage to speak. "John...As your mother, I always want what's best for you." I begin. John starts to tear up and that Alexander boy runs over. "So as your mother, I think what's best for you is, is to be yourself. I don't want to make the same mistake I made with Cathrine." Johnathan runs up to me. John is surprised, and so is the Alexander boy. "Ruth, what are you doing?" Johnathan asks angrily. "I am making sure my baby doesn't end up living with parents who hate him for who he is!" "Ruth, this isn't who you are. That boy. That sin, is not allowed to be in my house until he realizes his mistakes!" "Your the only one making the mistakes!" We both turn to John, who's fists are clenched. "My whole life I spent in the closet, my whole life I had to pretend! It's draining! I am who I am, and I don't make mistakes! So thanks for the banishment because I wouldn't want to live with a backwards monster like you!" I cover my mouth, watching my husband's reaction. "Young man! You do not speak to your father like that!" Johnathan raises his hand, and begins to bring it down hard onto John's face. I throw my tea cup at him. It shatters as it hits his shoulder. He turns to me, fuming. "Boys, leave." I say calmly. My husband stomps towards me. "But mom-" "Now." I reply sternly. The door closes behind them. "You crazy woman! You know, you will love me and follow my rules or you will leave this household!" I take a breath. "I'll have my stuff packed up by morning." I glare at him. He looks surprised. I will not let John grow up like this. 

I am a woman of my word and by early morning, I have two suitcases, 1 box, and a large purse filled with my stuff. Oh, and a lawyer ready to help me file a divorce. John puts the last suitcase into the back of my van and asks, "Where are you going?" I take a breath. "To Catherine's place. I contacted her last night." John hops in the car, he want's to see her as well. We drive for an hour until we reach a modern - looking house up on a hill. I ring the doorbell and Catherine answers. She's 26 now, and she looks so different. She cut her hair short and bleached it. Her light skin has scratches and band - aids, and freckles covering her checks and the bridge of her nose. She wears a black t - shirt with a rainbow - flag on it, a black belt pulled up high and a black jean - skirt. She wears black combat boots and metal bracelets around her wrists. I want to cry. She looks so grown up! "John, mom! Come in!" She sounds so happy to see us. I will never be able to apologize enough. A woman sits on her couch when we enter. She has dark skin and almost completely shaved off black hair. She wears an identical outfit to Catherine, except she has jean shorts and wears white tennis shoes. To my and John's surprise, that nice girl Peggy also sits on the couch. "Mom, John, this is my fiancé, Emelie, and you already know Peggy." I want to obsess over Catherine getting married, but we have very important things to take care of. Peggy runs over and hugs John. "Catherine called me! She told me everything, oh I'm so sorry!" "Wait, you have her number?" John asks. "Of course I do. It is my duty as your best friend to be best friends with your siblings, and also worst enemies, depending on what they do." Catherine laughs, but then stops. "You can stay here until you buy another house." "No, honey. I couldn't do that to you. I'm staying at Debras'." Catherine laughs again. "Debra? Holly's mom? Gosh, I haven't seen them in forever!" "Guys? We're getting a little off track here." Emelie smiles as she speaks. There is a knock at the door and Cath goes over to open it. Alexander comes running in. Then Angelica, then Eliza. "Ohmygoshwhattheheckbabeareyouokthatmanishorribleohmygoshjohn!" Their words blend together. After a touching and long reunion, I take John back to his dorm and head off to Debra's place. I may be half - homeless, but that man will ruin my family's life no more.     

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