Chapter 1

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It's been 6 months since Alastor came to the Happy Hotel and to his surprise the princess was able to bring in a few customers. Alastor walked down the stairs to the main lobby, observing the customers chatting, and Husk sleeping off a hangover behind his desk. He couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle to himself, wondering how long it'll take before the sinners find out that all this talk about redemption is for nothing.

Alastor was cut from his amusement when he hears Vaggie running down the hall, yelling at whatever got her attention. He turned to his right and saw that she was chasing a pig. Not just any pig but Angel Dust's pig. His eyes narrowed slightly for the disturbance and wonder if it was time for him to make deal of turning Fat Nuggets into bacon like he threatened so many times before.

Once the little pig saw who he was running towards he quickly tried to skid to a halt but ended up crashing into Alastor's leg. Without a second thought he picked up the pig and held it firmly to his chest, despite the pig's protest to get far away from the Radio Demon.

Vaggie stopped her running and looked at Alastor and Fat Nuggets with frustration. "I thought we told Angel that he can keep that pig here as long as he kept it under control? NOT, having it run around the hotel like it's a play pen!"

Alastor took a glance at Fat Nuggets before looking at Vaggie, adding on his usual smile. "Don't you worry my dear, I'll go have a talk with Angel. Besides I was going to check up on him anyway. It's almost noon and we can't have him sleeping in all the time." With a hum in his voice Alastor made his way to the elevator.

"Also, Alastor can you tell Angel that Charlie would like to speak to him sometime today?" Vaggie called out to him, to which the Radio Demon replied with a nod over his shoulder. The elevator ding and opened soon after. Once inside Alastor looked down at the precious cargo in his arm, still shaking but at least he is not squirming to get away. Alastor let out a small gentle smile and petted the pig's head. "Relax my little friend, I'm not going to eat you. I have no interest in eating pigs. Lost the taste for that years ago. I apologize for all the time I threatened that I would. I just said it because Angel was getting under my nerves."

Fat Nuggets seem to relax at his words but then started to freak out again once he heard his owner's name. Catching Alastor off guard he nearly dropped the pig. "Hey now, be careful. I don't want to explain to Angel how you got hurt if I accidentally scratch you." The elevator finally reach Angel's floor and he slowly made his way to his room, too which Fat Nuggets was not pleased. With one last jerk he was able to become free from his captor's grip and bolted to his owner's door. Annoyed, Alastor decided to quicken his steps just to amuse the tiny creature.

When he got to Angel's door, Fat Nugget was squealing and scratching at the door. Alastor can only hope that he doesn't hear about any noise complaints from the other customers. With a long sigh he knocked on Angel's door and opened the door. "Hello my effeminate friend, this is your wake up call and I must say you really need to watch where you-"

Alastor stopped when he saw what was before him. There in the middle of his room, hanging from the ceiling, struggling for air was Angel Dust.

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