Chapter 5

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It was 6pm when Alastor walked out of his room and into Husk's bar. "Hello my friend, I would like my usual." Alastor said to Husk, taking the seat that was in the center. It was surprisingly empty, Alastor remembered back when the sinners would come to the bar and they would stay long passed midnight. How have times had changed.

Everyone had changed.

Husk sat down a cup and Alastor happily took the cup and drank it. Husk raised an eyebrow at Alastor. "What's gotten you down in the dumps?" Alastor eyes narrowed at the question, making his smile slightly wider. "Why, whatever do you mean Husker? I assure you, I am not 'down in the dumps' as you say."

Husk rolled his eyes. "Look Smiles, first, don't play dumb, it's not a good look for you. Second, I known you for a long time now and I am able to read you when something is off. And lastly, I don't think anyone would had been that happy drinking Horse Jizz."

A/N: For those who do not know Horse Jizz is mixing Beer and Milk together. 100% Terrible. Never had it but a few people I know had it and they all got sick afterwards.

Alastor's face was in shock once he learned what he had drank but it slowly turned into demonic rage. "Husk, why would you play a prank on me? You are not the kind of fellow to do something like that."

Husk didn't show any phase of being scared, just shrugged his shoulder and went to get Alastor's whiskey. "I just wanted to make sure the my hunch was correct. I didn't do it to offend you, Al. Now let me guess, it's about Angel Dust right? He is the reason why you are off your game." Husk glanced over his shoulder looking at the Radio Demon. His short silence followed by his half-ass response was enough for Husk to know that he was right.

"You know you really broke his heart two months ago. He wouldn't stop crying and drinking for 4 hours." Husk said as a matter of fact as he placed Alastor's glass on the table, and filled it with the liquor. Alastor blinked as he looked over at Husk, listening to what he was about to say next. "You know he worked doubles and paid someone to teach him swing, who wasn't cheap. You remember right? Those 2 months when Angel wasn't around much and Vaggie was up his ass, yelling at him about the guidelines, and cursing at him."

Alastor remembered, he took great joy watching all of those weeks unfold. He always thought that the princess and her girlfriend's hotel would burn to the ground and Angel will always be a slut. But now half a year has gone by and the hotel is still up and running and still getting new customers every few weeks. Then there was this afternoon that happened with Angel.

"And don't get me started on how much the pin cost. I'm pretty sure Angel had to borrow money from Val for that." Husk grumble which soon later turned into silently cursing out Valentino.

Alastor took a moment to collect himself before asking his question. "How do you know all of this, Husk?" Husk seemed to glare at Alastor for asking a stupid question like that but answered it anyway. "I became some sort of therapist for Angel. Unwillingly. He would come here after everyone went to bed and would talk and vent to me. He would mostly talk about you or his toxic as shit pimp. You know Val had Vox brainwash him a few times in order for him to submit. That is seriously fucked up. Of course now, Angel is playing the submissive slut so he doesn't get a far worst punishment."

Alastor took in a sharp breath when he heard Vox's name. He always hated that TV demon and the fact that he was helping Val with how he treats Angel is now another reason to hate him. But Alastor put those thoughts aside and instead asked Husk another question. "Why are you telling me this?"

Husk let out an angry growl. "Because I'm sick and tired of Angel coming to me with his problems. He needs more people other then me and that pig of his!.... Also, I'm kind of worried about him. Don't you dare tell him I said that! But he is a good kid and he doesn't deserve to be in a place like that. If this redemption thing does work, I hope Angel is one of the first to go." Husk looked down and silenced himself by drinking his booze.

Alastor sat there, his hands folded in front of his mouth. He never once took a sip of his whiskey throughout the whole conversation. What can he do to make things right? What would be beneficial for all of them? Alastor then stood up from his chair and walked away.

"Where the hell are you going?!" Husk yelled, to which Alastor replied not looking over his shoulder.

"I'm going to do something I am going to regret."

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