Chapter 17

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Alastor didn't know how much time had passed and he didn't care. He thought of everything that happened the past two weeks. Angel's attempted suicide, that's where it all started. Was that all just a plan to get him to trust Angel? But then there was Fat Nuggets, his precious pig wouldn't had acted like that if Angel wasn't in serious danger.

All of Angel's questions went through his head. Why did he buy his contract? What is his gain in this deal with Valentino? Why was be acting so differently towards him then the others? Why was he the special one?

It was simple. He loved him. Alastor felt more tears filling his eyes as he curled into a ball. All the flirting, the sweet talks, the cuddling, the kissing, the singing, the dancing. It was all for nothing. But then Alastor blinked. Angel's song that he sang earlier. He could had sang any other song but he chose to sing about how he felt about him.  If he was truly working for Valentino then why keep up the act?

"Angel....mon made me love you too....."

Alastor covered his ears when a loud high pitch noise from the whistle kept playing over and over. Alastor growled, annoyed that Angel was using the whistle as an instrument. Alastor snapped his fingers to Angel's room and was about to yell at him but he froze.

There was Angel on the ground, wrestling with Fat Nuggets angrily trying to get the whistle back but that wasn't what made Alastor froze. No, it was the fact that all four of Angel's arms had cuts on them.

"Fat Nuggets, I swear if you don't give that back you are not getting any treats this week!" Fat Nuggets squealed and his ears popped up when he saw Alastor. The pig ran out of Angel's arms and towards Alastor. 

Angel's face went from rage to horrified when he saw Alastor. "Al, you...." Alastor's eyes narrowed and frowned at Angel. He walked over to Angel and grabbed his arms, not caring that Angel's blood was going all over his hands. Angel cried out in pain at the tight grip.

"Angel, why?" He pulled Angel close to him so that their nose were touching. "Why didn't you use the whistle if you were feeling like this?"

It was now Angel's turn to go angry. "Oh now you care?! You burnt my contract and said 'there is no us'! So, that means I can do whatever I want! I'm a free sinner now! No one can tell me what to do!"

Alastor growled and pinned Angel to the wall. "We made that agreement before I had your contract! So, don't you dare say that you can do whatever you want!"

"You are not my Strawberry Pimp anymore!? So, why worried!? I'm not a burden to you anymore! Why don't you let me just die into a second death! I bet you will celebrate!"

There was a loud slap that filled the room. Angel held his cheek in disbelief as he stared at Alastor. Alastor was breathing heavily, his eyes filled with anger and hurt. Tears started to run down  Angel's cheeks. "Why?.....why do you play mind games with me, Al? One minute you are caring and sweet the next you are denying that there is anything between us..... one minute you are flirting and kissing me the next you are tossing me a side and say there is no 'us'.....You bought my contract only for you to burn it right in front of me...."

Alastor felt his heart hurting even more as he felt tears stinging his eyes. "Angel.... I...."

"Did you actually believe what Val said? That I was using you for information to give to him? Al, who ever has my contract I legally have to listen to them and follow their rules."

"Then why were you with him, in that outfit... on his lap?" Alastor said his voice sounding normal, not even a hint of the radio voice.

"Those three demons were waiting outside. They were surprised that I came walking out alone. They cornered me, drugged me, and dragged me back to Val. It's true that Val wanted to know why you wanted to buy me but all I told him was our kiss at the karaoke, since I knew those three other fuckers would had asked me about that. Val found the whistle that was in my pocket, asked what it was, and I told him to blow it to find out....and that is when you came."

Alastor made a mental note to find those three demons and kill them. "Ok....then what was with all your questions?"

Angel looked into Alastor's eyes. " made me so confused. I didn't know if you actually had feelings towards me or if there was some hidden motivation that you weren't showing...." Angel started to shake as he continued, "If you didn't buy my contract to eat me....cannibalize me....and you didn't want me for my body, then why? Why do all of this for me?"

Alastor sighed and brush his finger on Angel's cheek, smearing blood in his fur. "Because.....Because Angel, you are mon cher..... I slowly developed romantic feelings towards you and I was so confused by these feelings..." Alastor could tell his cheeks were red like Angel's was.

"Al.... are you saying that you love me?"

Alastor bit his lip and could only nod. Angel shot his head forward, landing his lips on Alastor's. Alastor's eyes widen in shock but slowly closed his eyes and melt into the kiss. They kept the kiss up for a minute before pulling away.

Alastor looked down at Angel's still bleeding arms. "Let's get you clean up." Angel nodded and saw about to stand up but Alastor snapped his fingers. Angel found themselves in a fancy bathroom he never seen before. "Where are we?" Angel said looking around the big bathroom.

Alastor stood up and looked at the blood that was on his hands. "We are in my bathroom at my manor. I thought it would give us some privacy and we don't have to worry about anyone walking in and see you like this."

Angel looked up at Alastor and nodded before asking, "Al, are you ok?" It was Alastor's turned to nod and stare into Angel's eyes. Without breaking eye contact, Alastor brought his hand to his lips and took a lick of the blood.

Angel blushed in embarrassment and his heart skipped a bit. He never thought Alastor couldn't stop secretly be sexy, this was far at the top. Alastor gave Angel a small grin, letting Angel know that he was pleased at Angel's reaction.

"How do I taste?" Was all Angel could say and Alastor chuckled and walked over to the sink to wash the rest of the blood off. The action made Angel sad until Alastor replied. "Let's just say if I wasn't asexual, I would had jumped you right then and there."

Angel felt his world spinning. "So, you are saying you got aroused by tasting my blood?" Alastor gave Angel a guilty as charge look. "You know, I never had blood that sweet in a long time. Most blood just taste bitter or have no flavor at all." Alastor walked over to Angel and kneeled down. "If I had another lick of your blood, I might have not be able to control myself."

Angel swallowed a lump in his throat. "So, you like it?" Alastor moved closer to Angel's ear and whispered. "It's intoxicating, mon cher."

Angel shivered and whispered to the ceiling. "Fuck Al, how can you so easily turn a guy on when you are against it." Alastor chuckled and continued to whispered, "That is because of my audience requesting me to talk like this time to time. But for you, mon cher, I'm doing this because I love your reactions. It makes you look so adorable."

Angel closed his eyes, panting in arousal. He never had anyone get him so horny and feel so satisfied with them just using their voice. "Are you alright, mon cher? You seem tense, maybe a bath would help calm your nerves." Angel's eyes shock open as he arch his back, gasping for air. Alastor just chuckled and pulled away, crossing his arms with a smug look on his face.

Angel looked away from Alastor, embarrassed. "I may not be into sexual acts Angel, but there are other ways that could satisfied both of us." Angel heard Alastor said and sweet Lucifer, Angel couldn't wait for what other tricks Alastor had up his sleeve.

Angel snapped out of his trance when Alastor clapped his hands. "Alright, mon cher, let's get you clean up and bandage up your wounds." Angel nodded, smiling at Alastor. Standing up and taking off his top Angel asked. "By the way Al, what does 'mon cher' mean?"

Alastor grinned, "It means 'my dear.' Mothers use it when talking about their children or when someone is addressing their lover."

Angel flinched when hearing the last part, glancing over at Alastor, to which Alastor just winked at him. Angel smiled and sighed.

This talk show shitlord is going to be the death of me.

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