Chapter 6

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The smell of wine and cigarettes filled the room as Alastor walked through the big crowd of sinners. Doing his best not to get touch by the grabby hands. He reached a small staircase that lead to a big chair.

And in that chair was none other than Valentino.

Valentino's grin grew and tilted his head in amusement. Making his sunglasses gleam in the lighting.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Radio Demon. What brings you to my humble estate? Want to try out one of the girls?"

Alastor nearly shivered in discuss when hearing the question, but he kept his cool and put on his signature smile. "Sorry, but I have to pass on that offer. Would it be alright if we can speak in a more private setting?"

Valentino let out a hum as he stood up to his full height. Towering over Alastor, but despite the height difference, everyone knew that they were equal matched in power.

"Very well, Alastor. The show was getting boring anyway. Come, we can talk in my office." Valentino turned around and made his way to the elevator. Alastor followed, happy to get away from the chaos. After a three minute ride they reached the top floor and when it opened, Alastor was surprised that the whole floor was just one big office room. Valentino hummed a tune as he walked to his desk and sat down.

"Come on Radio Demon, have a seat and we can discuss what you want to discuss." Valentino said grabbing a cigarette but not lighting it. Alastor made his way to the chair that was across from Valentino's. "Actually, I'm here to make a deal with you."

Valentino's eyes seem to gleam as he said. "Oh? And what might this deal be?" He took this time to light his cigarette and held it between his fingers. The red smoke eerily floating in the air.

"I want to buy Angel Dust's contract-" Alastor began to say but Valentino cut him off with a hard laugh. "Very funny Alastor, I never knew you had such a humor. Now, tell me what is the actual deal?" Alastor eyes narrowed but still tried to remain calm. "As I was saying, I want to buy Angel Dust's contract from you. I will be his new owner and you will stay away from him."

Valentino took a breath of his cigarette and blew it at the Radio Demon. "And what is in it for me, Alastor? I can't just give you away my top whore for nothing. He brings in a lot of money and is my most hardworking." 

Alastor waved away the sickening sweet smoke and continued. "If you keep your end of the deal. I'll give you 20% of my salary from my radio show every month."

Valentino chuckled and again took another breath of his cigarette. The red smoke flying out as he spoke. "Angel is too important for 20% of your salary. How about 70%?"

Alastor eyes narrowed "35%" Valentino leaned in closer and blew the rest of the smoke into Alastor's face. "50% take it or leave it, radio host." Alastor let out a sigh and looked at the overlord in front of him.

"Fine. I'll start giving your half next month. As for now, I'll give you the 35% as an interest." Alastor snapped his fingers and two chest full of money appeared. Valentino's eyes widen. "How did you get all of that?"

Alastor responded with a chuckle. "You'll be amazed how much sinners are willing to pay for me to say lewd things, and there is also my broadcast of killing that a lot of sinners enjoy listening too as well." Alastor stopped for a moment and leaned even closer, his eyes turning into radio dials. "And if you ever break our deal, let's just say you'll be my next star guest for my broadcast." Alastor quickly went back to his usual demeanor. "Now here are the rules of this contract, you'll get half of my salary every month plus this intrest when you give me Angel Dust's contract. I'll be Angel Dust's new overlord. If you ever go near him, touch him, or send anyone to get him. I'll kill everyone who is involved. So, Mr. Overload Valentino, do we have a deal?" Alastor held out his hand, green magic spiralling everywhere. Valentino took another breath of his cigarette and breathed it out with a hum. 

"It's a deal, Radio Demon." Valentino shook his hand and the deal was set in motion. Alastor smile grew as Valentino went through his files and grabbed Angel's contract. He pointed at a dotted line at the bottom of the page, right below Angel's signature. "By signing this page. Angel cakes is now yours to do whatever you want."

Alastor read the page just to make sure there was no tricks. He even had his shadows to look through it to see if they see anything he missed. Once he saw no traps, he signed his name. "It's a pleasure doing business with you, Valentino." Alastor said proudly, rolling up the contract and tied it with a red ridden with a radio microphone on it.

Valentino grinned and smoked the last of his cigarette. "Yes, it has been a pleasure, and I hope you enjoy your ownership of Angel cakes. I'll be also be looking forward for my half of the money as well."

Alastor nodded and stood up from his chair. "You'll get it every month, on this day in your office. Have a good rest of your night." With those final words, Alastor vanished from the office.

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