Chapter 13

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Angel was giggling when Alastor's broadcast was over. He absolutely loved it, though his favorite part was the beginning when Alastor was explaining why the sinner was there and how the victim requested him to rip his dick off.

Angel wasn't too surprised that Alastor didn't used his name. As far as everyone knows Angel was still working for Valentino and still hell's number one whore.

He had the radio up so loud that Vaggie was pounding at his door, warning him if he doesn't lower the volume she was going to shove her spear up his ass. This followed by Angel saying 'Kinky.' but he turned down the radio just to save the headache.

It was then that Angel heard a knock at his door. Angel rolled his eyes, "The show is over bitch, don't get your taco in a twist!" Angel yelled in annoyance.

"Now is that what you say to a friend that saved you?"

Angel's heart skipped a beat when he heard Alastor's voice. Quickly, he went and opened the door, revealing the smiling demon before him. Angel smiled. "Hey Al, what brings you here this late at night?"

Alastor chuckled and made his way into the room. "I thought I would stop by and ask how did you like the show?"

"It was amazing! I'm surprised that I didn't listen to you before. Then again, I didn't know about you until you came to the hotel." Angel said closing his door so he doesn't get another earful of Vaggie.

"That's wonderful my dear! And you know I thought of something while I was making a meal out of the wolf."

"Oh and what is that, Al?" Angel asked, crossing his top arms along his chest and the second pair at his hips. Alastor gave Angel an evil smirk and with in a few short moments Alastor grabbed Angel, pulling him to his bed, pinning him underneath him.

Angel could feel his heart racing as arousal goes through his body. "Al?" He looked into Alastor's eyes. They were dark  red with a slight glow to them, not like the warm red that he was so used to. Alastor lean down so that their bodies were touching and he moved his mouth close to Angel's ear. "You see my dear, I wondered how sweet your blood is."

Angel felt fear stabbing into him. "What?" Angel breathed out, not understanding what is going on. Alastor let out a low chuckle as he licked Angel's ear. "I would like to compare your blood to that sweet little cafe girl's blood. I have never found a person that had a quarter of what she tasted like. Could you be the same Angel.... or perhaps even better." 

Angel let out a nervous laugh. "Ok Alastor, jokes over, maybe you should go and get some sleep." Angel couldn't help but shake as he felt Alastor's head trail down his neck and to his shoulder.

"Nonsense my dear, beside I am still hungry." With a giant grin Alastor bit down into Angel's shoulder, ripping it off his body. Angel never knew he could scream that loud, and with such pain and fear.

"Al! Alastor stop! What the hell are you doing?!" Angel was hyperventilating and tries to wrestle away from Alastor. He hears Alastor moaning in delight as he was chewing.

"Angel, you are soooo sweet. I want more." Alastor kept taking bite after bite and Angel was screaming through it all. Angel wonders where the hell was Vaggie, she usually running when she hears a loud noise.

Angel saw that his vision was getting blurry and he felt so warm and numb. The last thing he saw was Alastor's face, covered in his blood.

"Thank you Angel, for loving me. I'll make sure your body would last me for a while."


Angel screamed as he shot out of bed, panting and in cold sweat. He heard Fat Nuggets cries from being disturbed from his sleep. Angel moved his hand to where his shoulder is, feeling no bite marks.

With a shaky sigh, he laid back down. A nightmare. It was all a nightmare. Angel curled into a fetal position and begins to cry. He haven't had a nightmare in weeks after Alastor freed him from his contract with Valentino. Why was he having them now?

Looking over at his side table he saw the whistle, hesitantly he reached over and grabbed the tiny object. He stared at it for a long time and was about to blow it but pulled it away, letting out a sigh of defeat. Only for his horror that some of breath went into whistle and it made a small sound.

Angel's eyes widen and hoped that nothing would happen, but it was in vain when he hears that familiar voice.

"Angel? Are you ok? It's 2 o'clock in the morning, my dear."

Angel didn't want to look at him, he didn't even want to say anything to him. All he did was panic as he sobbed. He felt Alastor's hand touch his shoulder and he slapped it away.

Sitting up right, Angel yelled. "Why did you buy my contract?! What IS your gain in all of this?! Is it that you want to eat me?! Torture me as you slowly rip my flesh off of my bones!" After he was done yelling. Angel sat there panting and shaking.

Alastor just stood there in shock for a few moments, until he walked, and sat next to Angel. He was still riding out his panic attack. Alastor let out a sigh and looked forward. " reasons for buying your contract wasn't so that I could eat you. Do you think I would be giving Valentino half of my money every month if my goal was to cannibalize you?"

He waited in silences until he heard Angel let out a quiet, "....No...." Alastor nodded and looked at Angel. He wasn't shaking anymore and he was getting some color back into him. Alastor gently put his finger under Angel's chin and made him look at him.

"You want to know the reason why I did what I did...... well I still don't know it fully myself. I did it without even thinking. All that mattered to me was that I wanted you to smile and be happy. You have a beautiful smile, my dear."

Angel let out a small smile when hearing Alastor's kind words. Slowly, he moved closer to him, nuzzling into him. Alastor smiled and wrapped his arms around him. Alastor was piecing together that maybe Angel was too delicate for his broadcast and made a mental note that his broadcast doesn't reach the hotel.

"Would you like me to stay or are you ok on your own?" Alastor asked and judging by how tightly Angel clinged onto him, he knew he was going to be stuck here. Alastor smiled gently and rubbed Angel's back to comfort him. "Alright, my dear Angel, I'll stay. I'll stay for as long as you need me."

This relax the spider demon that was in his arms and at last he spoke. ".....never....never leave me...."

Alastor closed his eyes and whispered to himself.

"It's a deal."

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