Chapter 4

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Alastor stared at the pornstar in front of him, as a new flow of tears were leaving the spider's eyes. They were full of hatred and pain. "If you were to actually.... listened.... you would had caught on..." Angel said his voice shaking as his tried his best not to sob again.

Alastor's mind was spinning around. Angel tried to kill himself because of him? Why? Yes, he used to disliked the spider demon but not enough for him to die. Maybe, have him out of the hotel and back to the studio, a thought that Alastor was now thinking that it was not the best thing. For now, all that matters is that Angel was still alive.

"Angel..... I-I don't understand?" Alastor stumbled with his words and Angel replied with a disheartening laugh as he glares up at the red demon. "I think this is the first time that I caught you this off guard, Al. What? Spider got your tongue?" Angel laughed some more and using his second pair of arms he pushed Alastor away. 

Alastor was now laying down on Angel's bed, his eyes fits on the ceiling still trying to process it all. Angel stood up from his bed, smoothing out the wrinkles in his clothes as he glanced down at Alastor. "Thanks you for the help Alastor, but I think it's time for you to leave."

Alastor looked up at Angel and was about to ask a question but Angel beat him to it. "And no, I'm not going to kill myself again. I realized when it was happening that I made a mistake." The Radio Demon nodded his head and then snapped his fingers. A moment later a whistle appeared floating in front of Angel and went into his hands. Confused, Angel looked at the tiny object. 

"What the fuck is this for? A rape whistle? Uh, thanks Al but I won't be needing this. With my line of work it's useless." Angel was about to hand it back to Alastor but he stopped the motion. "This my effeminate friend, is a whistle to contact me. Just blow it and I'll appear. If you ever need someone to talk to or if something happens just blow and I'll be there in a heartbeat." Alastor got up from the bed and started to walk over to the door.

"Oh and before I forget. Vaggie wanted me to tell you that Charlie wanted to speak to you sometime today." With that final comment he was out the door, not bothering to look at Angel's face.

It's been two hours since the event in Angel's room and Alastor was pacing his own with frustration. Why was he the one that cause Angel to do that? Why did he let Angel be so forceful and rude to him and he didn't rip him to spider webs? He saw two different sides of Angel that he never thought of. The depressed Angel that wanted someone to comfort and listen to him and the bitter and resentful Angel that would very much would had taught Alastor a lesson if he was a weaker demon.

He kept digging through all the memories he had of him and Angel and there was nothing out of the ordinary. Just Angel being his annoying self and Alastor yelling at him to shut his mouth. With a annoyed grumble he runs his fingers through his hair, slightly pulling at it. "Why? Why do I feel so guilty and ashamed? And for Angel for that matter."

Alastor then turned around and looked at his dresser mirror. His hair was uneven and his clothes still wrinkled from when Angel had him pinned down. With a sigh he looks down when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Curiously, he walked over to it and picked it up. There in his hand was a spider pin. It was then that Alastor remember what happened.


It was Valentine's Day and Alastor was walking down the halls, looking at the decorations that the girls put up the night before. Heart balloons and roses were scattered everywhere and in the center of the lobby was an angel statue with a bow and arrow. Alastor tighten his smile, mentally shuttering at the display. He always disliked this holiday. A day were couple go away and be too touchy feely. As on que, a pair of arms wrapped around the Radio Demon's shoulders.

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