Chapter 3

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It's been a half hour when Angel Dust's tear started to subside and Alastor stayed through it all. This surprised both of them but they didn't question it. Angel lifted his head and looked up at Alastor, his eyes still puffy and red from the none stop crying.

Haphazardly, Alastor conjured up a handkerchief and gave it to Angel, to which he accepts. Alastor waited a few more moments for Angel to calm himself down before asking his question. "Are you ready to tell me?" Angel shuffled nervously before replying with a question of his own. "Will you promise me not to tell the others? The last thing I want is for the girls to know."

Alastor gave Angel a more softer smile to reassure him. "I promise this will stay between us." In hearing this Angel let out a sign of relief and then went into his thoughts to find the right words to say. After waiting for five minutes Alastor asked Angel another question. "How long have you been feeling like this?"

Angel shrugged at the question. "I don't know, a while I guess."

"Was it before or after joining this hotel."

Angel hesitated on answer but managed to mutter out. " was after joining Charlie's Hotel."

This brought confusion and curiosity to Alastor. Absolutely he knew that this hotel wouldn't actually work out for sinners but he never would an expected it to bring them to commit a second death. Perhaps he'll go and talk to Charlie about this topic, obviously keeping Angel out of the conversation. "I'm quite surprised that Charlie's project isn't working out for you. Maybe you should-"

"Charlie has NOTHING to do with this!" Angel screamed cutting off Alastor, "She is the most sweet and caring person I know. Hell she even beats my sister and she always been there for me."

"Then why? If it's not this hotel, then what cause you so much pain?"

Alastor questioned more puzzled than ever. He then started to think back throught out the months of knowing Angel. He was always full of life, sex and drug crazed annoying, but still seen to make the room light up when things start to go down. Alastor then blink at this sudden realization. Angel maybe annoying and say lewd things but they were all in good fun and humor and never once had he stepped too far over people's boundaries. Even with him, yes there were the nicknames and the slight touches on his shoulders but never anything to belittle or to be inappropriate. 

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out. After all I'm just Hell's number one pornstar and would be happy to suck dick all day to get money, and smoke all the drugs I want." Angel annoyingly muttered out. This made Alastor turn away from his thoughts and stared at Angel. "Angel-" Again Alastor was cut off by Angel Dust, and by the look on his face he was finally letting all of his emotions out.

"You just don't get it! No one gets it! All they ever see is someone to fuck or that I want to fuck them! I never wanted this, hell even when I was alive I didn't want that. Pops hated me for being gay and would always kick me out of the house. It had to take Molly to trick our dad in order for me to stay the night and get food. Most of the time Molly and Arackniss had to sneak me in and I had to leave before dawn. The drugs and the sex were a distraction...." Angel Dust paused for a few seconds, his body shaking as tears flooded his eyes. "They are still a distraction." 

Alastor was now getting visually uncomfortable by this conversation and was about to move away but Angel glared at him. Within a few seconds Angel had the red demon pinned down his bed. "Oh no, you are NOT leaving now Al! You wanted to know, so now you are going to GET IT!" Angel screamed, his tears starting to coat Alastor's face as they fell.

"You just see me as a fucking prostitute with no mind of his own. Just going and following orders from his BELOVED pimp." Angel mocked, making his voice extra high and sweet when talking about his pimp. "You think I actually wanted to work for Val? That I happily got on my hand and knees, and begged him to suck his dick?!"

Angel let out a low chuckle and looked into Alastor's eyes. "Val doesn't work that way. He'll find poor sinners he'll see that he can make a profit off and he'll groom them to no end. If you are a submissive bitch, his offers and sweet words sounds like you walked into Hell's verson of Heaven. Love. Passion. Togetherness. Home. The drugs that you breathe in, they make you feel so light and have this overwhelming bliss."

As Alastor listened he wonders to himself, why is he letting Angel pin him. He knows he could easily get out of this. With one snap of his fingers and he'll be free. Another thing that surprised him was his lack of freaking out that Angel was being this forward with his physical space. Regardless, Alastor kept on listening as the spider demon vented.

"However, the sinners that see through his act, they have a different story. Once they start to question, start to think that we have our own choices, Val changes. He'll still act the sweet and beloved pimp around others but as soon as you are alone with him, he gets his way with you through fear and dominance. Reminding us that we belong to him, and he'll always bring up the contract. We all know what happens when Val decides he doesn't want you anymore. On one choice, and the one we prefer if it came down to it, he'll sell us to the highest bidder... the other one is giving us to the worst clients. Non stop with them for a whole day..... a week if you really made him angry."

Alastor's eyes widen slightly at this new found information. He had never heard of Valentino being the one for violence, always settling the scores with flattery and wine or give one of his prostitutes away for a few hours with no charge.
"Val never like me because I would always question him and go against orders. I'm surprised that he hasn't killed me yet." Angel took a few minutes to laugh. "I guess I'm too much of a profit for him to let go." 

Alastor took this moment to ask his question. "Is that the reason why you did it, to get away from Valentino?"

Angel Dust blinked as he through his head back, and laughed. "You really think that I would give the satisfaction to Val when he hears that I died. Nah, I'm pretty sure he'll have a party."

It was this moment that Alastor realized that Angel was trying to distract him from the actual truth. He had to admit Angel was clever and almost had him. Talking about his complicated relationship with Valentino would had given anyone a satisfying reason why. Having enough of the abuse from his pimp. Alastor's eyes narrowed and with a snapped of his fingers he disappeared from beneath Angel. 

The spider demon stopped laughing and stared dumbfounded at the empty space. It wasn't long until hands grabbed Angel's shoulders, turning him around, and pinning him to the dashboard of his bed.

"Now my effeminate friend, tell me the real reason." Alastor said his eyes now radio dials, having enough on playing mind games. Angel closed his eyes and finally blurted out.

"If you really haven't figured it out after all this time, it was because of you!"

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