Chapter 11

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Alastor made his way down the stairs when be heard Husk's voice.

"Would you stop worrying, you look ok."

Alastor was confused by the slight complement and made his way to Husk's bar. He was just about to ask what's all the commotion was about when he stopped in his tracks. There was Angel, he was in a red 1930s charm dress, and he even styled his hair into a wavy bob.

Alastor stared at him in awestruck

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Alastor stared at him in awestruck. He looked even more stunning then two months ago. Angel blushed nervously and played with the dress. "Is it too much? I could change really-"

"No!..... No you look fine, my dear. Beside it's time to go."

Angel made a confused look. "Go? I thought we were going to drink here?"

Alastor laughed, "Nonsense, I was thinking we could go to Mimzy's. It's better than staying cooped up in this hotel don't you think?"

Angel smiled at Alastor and Husk just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you two should go. It'll give me some peace and quiet for once." Husk said sarcastically, pushing Angel towards Alastor. Losing his balance Angel was about to fall when Alastor took his hand, twirling him around to make him stand upright. Both demons just stared at each other for a long moment, until Husk had the nerve to speak. "I said leave me in peace!"

Snapping out of his trance, Alastor smiled. "Yes, we should go before Mimzy's club gets too crowded." With that, they left the hotel but not before Alastor heard Husk say under his breath.

"Get a room you two."

Alastor may have or may have not summoned one of his shadows to teach Husk a lesson. 

Mimzy just finished her song when she saw a pair of familiar faces. She smiled widely as she said into the microphone. "Ok, everyone I'm going to take five. Just enjoy yourself and the music will start back up in a moment." She hopped off the stage and ran up to the two demons she saw walk in.

"Alastor, it's so nice to see you again!" Mimzy cheered, giving the Radio demon a hug. Alastor smile back down at her. "Yes, it has been a while. My dearest apologies for not being around. I've been a very busy man." 

Mimzy nodded and turned to face Angel. She couldn't help but saw a bit of jealousy in the spider demon's features. "And hello, Angel dear, you're not hear with Cherri tonight?"

Angel blink and smiled. "Hey Mimzy, and no, I'm not with Sugar Tits. Tonight, I'm with my Stawberry Pimp." Angel didn't even hesitate when he wrapped his arms around Alastor. Alastor tensed up a bit and glances away, as in hope that he would mentally check out. "Angel, I thought I told you to stop calling me that."

Angel just giggled and nuzzled into him. "Oh relax Al, Mimzy knows I call you that. She even says it fits you. Right Mims?" The tiny singer just giggled alongside with Angel. "Yes, it's true." She then put her hands on her hips as she continued. "So, what brings you two here?

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