Chapter 18

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"What the fuck did you two do?!" Was all Angel and Alastor heard when they walked into the hotel. Alastor smirked and leaned forward to look into Vaggie's eyes. "Whatever do you mean, Vagatha? We didn't do anything wrong." Vaggie pulled out her spear and pointed it at Alastor.

"Don't you dare play dumb! It's all over the news!"

Alastor laughed, "My dear, I don't necessarily watch the news, most of the time they are throwing a bone to the audience."

Angel smirked and crossed his arm. "Yeah, no offensed bitch, but I already told you, I'm not into politics." Angel said leaning against Alastor, enjoying the little mind game.

Vaggie was growling in frustration as Charlie, Nifty, And Husk walked into the room. "What is with Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench talking about how YOU, Alastor, broadcast killing Valentino last night?"

Alastor's smirk grew as he said. "Ah that lovely event. My apologies that I didn't broadcast to the hotel, I was thinking about our guests and not wanting them to hear such sinful acts."

"So you are not denying-"

Alastor cut Vaggie off with a hand. "My dear, I'm sure Charlie has told you that I have Angel's contract. Well, did until the deal was broken. I did promised that I would kill him and to everyone that was involved if our deal was broken."

"But why do it all for Angel? Didn't you two hated each other?"

Alastor just brought back his usual smile and walked behind Angel, wrapping his arms around him. Angel smiled at the affection and his hands going up around Alastor's neck, his two other hand resting on Alastor's arms. Angel could feel his blush when Alastor spoke his next words.

"I could never hate mon cher, I may had not approved his actions from the beginning but they have grown on me in recent events."

Vaggie lowered her spear, her eye widen in disbelief to what she was seeing. She could hear Charlie gasping in surprise and excitement, but it was Husk that spoke. "About fucking Lucifer damn time! I thought I was going to have to lock you two in a room."

Alastor chuckled, "Husker, if you would had done that, I would had turned you into a mouse, and feed you to a cat demon when the door opens."

Husk smirked and crossed his arms. "'When the door opens', that means you would had stayed in that room and not teleport away." Alastor smirked as well, once again, Husk's observation skills were spot on.

Charlie stepped up so that she was next to Vaggie, a big smile on her face. "So, does this mean?"

"Smiles and I are a couple." Angel said nuzzling into Alastor's neck. Alastor chuckled and shared the affection. The sound of Charlie's fangirl screams filled the room and Alastor had a half a thought to put a muzzle on the princess but decided against it.

"How did this happened?" Vaggie asked, trying to calm down Charlie at the same time.

"Well, I'll say the sparked happened on Valentine's Day and Angel surprised me with his outfit and dance moves."

Angel smiled with pride when he heard that. "Glad to know all my efforts paid off. That dance teacher was not cheap."

"Then two weeks ago when I walked in Angel's room and saw-" A hand covered Alastor's mouth, it didn't take long to figure out who when Angel was glaring at him. "Al, you promised not to tell!"

"Tell us what?" Vaggie said crossing her arms and tapping her foot. "Did you sneak in a client again?"

Angel laughed. "Sorry bitch but I haven't had any sexual contact with any sinner in three weeks.....well until last night, somewhat." Alastor rolled his eyes and hope they would ignore Angel's statement.

"Then what did you saw? What was Angel doing?" Vaggie asked, getting inpatient. Alastor and Angel looked at each other for a long moment then Angel sighed. "Well, the cat was bound to be let out of the bag at some point. I.....I tried to kill myself by hanging."

"WHAT?!" Both Charlie and Vaggie screamed, horror and concern flooded their features. Glancing over Nifty had her hands covering her mouth with tears in her eye and Husk was looking away with a pissed off expression.

"Al saved me before any real damage was done.... I didn't think he would ever fall for me...that I was nothing but a slut in his eyes. It also didn't help that Val was getting more violent than usual and.... I felt like I was disappointed you girls. I thought I wouldn't be a problem anymore."

Charlie walked over and hugged Angel. "Angel, you had improved since the first day that we met. Vaggie and I are proud of you and it looks that Alastor can be a good support for you." Charlie said with a smile. Tears flooded Angel's vision as he hugged Charlie back.

Alastor's eye twitched a bit and his smile grew. "Why don't we go into the kitchen and continue this story. I'll make some jambalaya!" Angel giggled and pulled away from Charie and leaned up against Alastor. "Is my Strawberry Pimp jealous?"

Alastor laughed and held Angel close. "Mon Cher don't be ridiculous."

"Your lips are saying one thing but your actions are saying another." Alastor heard Husk said as he walked to the kitchen.

Alastor pulled away from Angel and followed Husk, telling him that he was serious about turning him into a mouse. Vaggie and Charlie were the next to go.

"Mr. Angel Dust, are you coming?" Nifty said looking at Angel, seeing that he hasn't moved from his spot. He looked at the tiny cyclop and smiled.

"Yes. Yes, I'm coming." Wiping the tears out of his eyes, Angel walked to the kitchen.

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