Chapter 10

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Alastor was half way done with his paperwork when he heard a knock at his door. "The door is open, Charlie!" Alastor called out, not looking up from his papers.  He knew it was the princess because she is the only one that actually has manors, beside himself.... well, maybe one other demon as well.

Charlie opened the door and made her way in. "Hey Al, I thought I should tell you about our plans for Angel." The sound of the spider demon's name made Alastor have his full attention on Charlie. "Oh, and what it that?" 

"Well, you see we are going to put Angel on house arrest since he has been leaving the hotel a lot lately and it's not good for the hotel's reputation. We are getting a lot of new guests and we don't want Angel to be a bad influence on the other guests."

Alastor smiled grew. "That is a wonderful idea Charlie, but I don't think you need to worry on putting Angel on house arrest. I assure you that he'll have no reason to leave the hotel." Alastor said going back to his paperwork. Charlie was confused by the Radio Demon's huge amount of confidences. "Al, you didn't make a deal with Angel did you?" She said, worried about what horrible deal they got into. Alastor just laughed at the question. "No, no, Charlotte. I made no deals with Angel." 

Charlie let out a sigh of relief and was about to say 'cool beans' when Alastor said, "I own his contract now." Charlie's eyes widen in shock. 

"You own his what now?!"

Alastor took this time took look at the princess again, his usual smile on. "I bought his contract from Valentino. So, you don't have to worry about Angel running along to clients."

Charlie's head was spinning with so many questions. Alastor bought Angel's contract, why? I always thought Alastor hated Angel. How can he be able to handle Angel with his unique personality? Charlie stopped her thoughts when she notice something on Alastor's suit. 

A jeweled spider pin. 

"Al, where did you get that pin?" Alastor smile soften when he looked at the pin. "Angel gave it to me a while ago. I thought it would help remind Angel who he belongs to now."

"When did Angel give you it?"

"Valentine's Day." Alastor said as a matter of fact.

"And you still kept it?" Charlie asked even more confused then ever. Alastor just chuckled. "Actually I totally forgot about it until the night I went and bought Angel's contract."

"Speaking of that, Al, why did you buy Angel's contract?" Alastor's eyes narrowed at the princess, now annoyed with all of the questions. "I don't have to explain all my reasonings, Princess. Now, if you excuse me, I have a very important meeting I must attend." With a snapped of his fingers. Alastor vanished from his desk, leaving Charlie standing in the middle of his office.

Alastor appeared in his room. He let out an annoyed groan as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Charlie, always the curious one. Well, better than Vagatha or Husker." Alastor brought back his usual smile and made his way to his closet to pick out an outfit. As he opened the door, a small little creature went running out. 
Alastor just chuckled and turned around to see Nifty. "My dear Nifty, were you organizing my clothes again?"

The little cyclops smiled, "From lightest to darkest shade of red! I also took liberty to shine your shoes as well, Mr. Alastor." Alastor looked back into his closet and indeed everything was exactly what Nifty had said. "Thank you, my dear.  Would you like to help me pick out an outfit for tonight?" 

Nifty's smile grew as she jumped around in excitement. "Oh! Yes! Yes! Yes!" She quickly ran back into his closet and jumped around through outfit to outfit. Alastor just watched her as he sat down on his bed. She truly was a good friend, the only true friend he has..... well until someone. Alastor sighed, "Nifty, what can I do to impress someone?"

Nifty stopped what she was doing and zoomed out of the closet. She was on Alastor's lap, a smug look on her face. "Someone got your fancy, Mr. Alastor?" Alastor shook his head and laughed. "No, my dear, nothing like that. I just wanted to look nice for this special night."

Nifty just giggled and looked up at Alastor. "Well whoever it is Mr. Alastor. I'll make sure you look handsome." Nifty gave him a quick peck on the cheek and went back into the closet. Alastor just glanced down at the spider pin, not caring that Nifty just kissed his cheek. She would always show those small acts of affection and Alastor gotten used to it over the years of knowing her. He took the pin off and held it close to watch the jewels sparkle. 

"That's a beautiful pin, Mr. Alastor. Would you like me to add it to your outfit?" Nifty asked coming out of the closet with a white dress shirt, a raspberry shade vest with black stripes, black dressed pants and dancing shoes. Alastor smiled down at Nifty. "Yes, that would be lovely." Alastor gave Nifty the pin as he took the clothes from her. In a flash Nifty ran into the closet and closed the door behind her. Giving Alastor some privacy.

He hummed a song as he changed, he took a glance at the clock and saw he had 45 minutes left to get ready. "Nifty, my dear. I am going to be leaving soon."

"Can I style your hair before you go?" Nifty said coming out of the closet with a bowtie with the spider pin as it's center. Alastor smiled at what Nifty did. She truly knows  what to do in any situation when it comes to the home and fashion. "I would be happy for you to do that for me, Nifty."

Nifty just smiled back as she put the bowtie on Alastor before starting on his hair. Gently and quickly she pulled Alastor's hair back into a ponytail and slicked his bangs back with some gel. Once finished Nifty stepped away from her work and squealed in delight.  "Oh Mr. Alastor you look so handsome! You will definitely impress the person you want to impress." 

Alastor chuckled and patted the tiny demon's hair. "Thank you, Nifty. Are you really sure you don't want anything in return?" Nifty shook her head. "Nope. Nope. Nope. I already told you, Mr. Alastor, I don't want any payment or gifts." She put her hands over her chest and smiles up at Alastor. "You are my friend, Mr. Alastor, and I am happy that you are happy. Please just let me live my afterlife as a housewife."

Alastor smile softly at her. "Well, I must be off. I'll see you tomorrow Nifty." Alastor made his way through the door and out into the hallways of the hotel.

"See you tomorrow, Mr. Alastor! And enjoy your date!"

Alastor tensed up when Nifty called out.

No, this isn't a date. Just spending the evening with a friend. That is all.

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