Chapter 2

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Alastor didn't even hear Fat Nuggets cries, nor did he realized that he summoned his shadows to get Angel down from there. All of his focus was on Angel's eyes, they were full of pain and fear. Normally Alastor likes that look of terror and suffering, but this was different, he wasn't the one causing it.

His shadows were able to get the noose off Angel's neck and head before guiding him to his bed, to which Alastor took liberty to sit. It took a few moments of uncontrollable coughing and gasping before Angel finally looked up at Alastor with an angry look.

"What the hell Al! What was that for?!" Alastor narrowed his eyes a bit at the sudden outburst. "I should be asking you the same thing, Angel."

Angel rolled his eyes and threw his arms up as if he was making a point. "I was trying to get high. Since You and Vaggie took away my drugs I had to figure out another way."

"And how does hanging yourself fit into this?" Alastor questioned, not buying what Angel was putting down.

"I heard from one of the clients that if you do this it's supposed to have a similar feeling of being high." Angel muttered, crossing his arms, and looking down at the floor. A clear sign to Alastor that he was lying. "Angel if what you are saying is true, then that is probably how the client died, and you were stupid enough to believe such foolishness."

This brought back Angel's anger and he glared up at Alastor. His top arms grabbing Alastor's coat, wrinkling it in the process. "I am NOT stupid or a fool!" Alastor just stared at the porn star and with some slight hesitation he placed his hands on top of Angel's. Angel raised a confused eyebrow and turned the stare. "Ok, what gives? You usually hate it when I'm close to you, let alone touch you." After he finished his sentence, Angel than let his body relax as he moved closer to Alastor. An amused expression clouding his features as he said. "Don't tell me you are starting to like me, Strawberry Pimp?"

Alastor cringed at the nickname but he knew it was a way to distract him from the topic at hand. "Angel, why were you trying to bring yourself to a second death?" This cause Angel to lean back and look away from Alastor. "I told you I was just trying to get high."

'Fine Angel, two can play at that game.' Alastor thought to himself and then switch the topic. "You left your pig outside of your room and he was running around the halls."

"Fat Nuggets does deserve some free roaming time. He doesn't have to stay in my room 24/7." Angel protested, his arms still crossed

"He was freaking out when I was bring him here."

"Well of course he would be freaking out! You are the one that keeps saying that you are going to eat him!" Angel snapped at him. Alastor guess that Angel still never forgave him when he named up all the different recipes he could make out of his beloved pig. 

Again Alastor kept on pushing. "Fat Nuggets was screaming and scratching at your door. Didn't you hear him?"

Alastor could see Angel fighting back tears as he ran his hands through his hair. "I....I told you I was getting high." Alastor than lean forward and looked straight into the spider's eyes. "Then why did you looked so scared and with so much pain and grief with this so called high?"

This finally broke him and Angel bend over his bed and cried. Alastor looked down at his fallen friend and slowly and awkwardly rubbed Angel's back to give him comfort. The spider's body shook at the contact and his cries turned into mad sobs. 

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