Chapter 7

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Alastor made his way through the halls of the Happy Hotel, humming a little tune as he goes. He couldn't wait to tell Angel the news about the deal with Valentino. As he turned the corner he stopped in his tracks. There was Fat Nuggets outside, scratching at the door to come in. Panic set in and Alastor booked it down the hall.

Please don't be dead, then all of this would be for nothing! Angel, you promised not to kill yourself!

Alastor's mind was running as he opened the door, surprised to find it unlocked. Angel turned his head around, tears in his eyes with a blade to his wrist. Quickly Alastor went and sat in front of Angel, taking the blade away. He took his arm and inspected it. Too his relief there were no marks but he did see scars from past injuries. Alastor then turned his attention to Angel's eyes.

"Angel, you promised not to hurt yourself."

Angel crossed his arms and looked away. "I promised not to kill myself, not hurt myself. It's a big difference."

Alastor eyes narrowed. "Too me it's the same thing. What was the reason for you to do this?"

Angel bit his lip, obviously not wanting to say the reason. "Angel, tell me now. I will not take this silent treatment lightly." Alastor said his voice even more serious then before. Angel glanced down at the floor but replied to Alastor question. "I talked to Charlie.... well more like argue.....She is putting me on house arrest. Which means that I can't go to work." Angel started to shake a bit.

"Why didn't you use the whistle I gave you?"

".....I....I didn't think you would had come." Angel manage to say. Alastor facial expression soften and gently puts his hand to Angel's cheek and turn it to make Angel look at him. "I will come. No matter what day or time. No matter if I am busy or not. I will make time for you."

"Why are you being so nice to me, Al? You never once been like this to anyone. Why?" Tears started to flow down his cheeks and Alastor dried them away. "I don't know the reason myself. But I can't stop this feeling of wanting to protect you."

Angel's eyes narrowed a bit. "I can take care of myself. I've been doing this my whole life and afterlife."

"But are you happy Angel? Is this what you really want? To sell your body and soul to someone that treats you like a prized mare?"

Angel closed his eyes and nuzzles his cheek into Alastor's hand. After a few moments Angel quietly said. "....No...."

Alastor's smile grew at the answer. "Well my dear, you don't have to do that anymore. You can be happy." Angel opened his eyes and looked into those red eyes of Alastor's. "What do you mean, Al?"

Alastor hummed before saying. "Valentino isn't the one that holds your contract anymore." Angel's eyes widen in shock. "H-How?"

"I made a deal with your old overlord," Alastor started to say and runs his other hand through Angel's hair. "And now I am the one that owns your contract."

Angel Dust just stared at Alastor, unable to know how to feel. Happy, shocked, angry, every emotions in one. "Alastor why?"  There was a cracking of a radio and a song started to play. Angel's eyes widen even more when he started to hear the song that they danced to on Valentine's Day.

Alastor smiled at Angel and without hesitation he kissed him. Angel was caught off guard from the sudden action, but he quickly kissed him back. Wrapping his arms around him. Soon after the kiss became more passionate, they only pulling away for air. Angel smiled at the deer demon but his happiness was washed away when he smelt a familiar smell. It was the drug that made Val's whores go swimming with lust. 

"Al-" Angel was cut off when Alastor pinned him to his bed and began to kiss him again. Angel pulled away from the kiss, as much as he loved the attention, this wasn't the Alastor he knew. He moved Alastor away so that his head rested on his chest fur. " don't have to do this." Angel said wrapping his arms around Alastor and rubbing his back in a calming manner.

Angel could feel Alastor shaking. "A-Angel it's hot." Angel closed his eyes, hating that Alastor has to go through this. "I know. Don't worry, it will go away soon."

"Angel w-what is happening to me?"

"Val played a fucking trick. It'll be over by the morning. Also, don't worry, I would never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable."

Alastor sighed and nuzzles into Angel. "I know...."

"Sleep Al, you need it." Angel said smiling. With a slow nod, Alastor was out. After 15 minutes had pass of Alastor falling asleep, Angel finally let out the tears he was holding back.

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