Chapter 16

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It was 7:30 pm, six hours after Alastor left Angel in the karaoke room. Alastor bit his nail angrily.

Why did I do that? After everything we went through. The cuddling, the flirting, the kissing, it was only natural that Angel would act the way he acted. I didn't have to be so cold to him. I shouldn't had left him there. Where is he? Is he ok? Does he have his whistle?

Alastor has been pacing around Husk's bar, since it was the closest to the main entrance. "If you are SO worried about him, why don't you go and find him? Or is your pride keeping you back." Alastor stopped and looked at Husk. He was cleaning the table with an annoyied look. "Look, I don't care if you love or don't love him. But if he makes you feel the way that you are feeling. Go after him and get him back. Beg him for all I care."

Alastor laughed, "Oh Husker don't be silly-" Husk glared at him, cutting Alastor from his sentence.

"I've been watching you two for two weeks now. You two smile and laugh more when you are together. Angel can touch and hold you and you don't threaten him like when you first met him. You are playing and singing love songs even though you used to dislike them. You two flirt and Angel told me that you kissed him when you got back from your date. Alastor, you NEVER do that to anyone! Do I need to go on or do I make myself clear, Smiles?!"

Alastor just stood there through Husk lecture. Who was he trying to fool? No one but himself. It won't take a genuine to figure out that Alastor was attacted towards Angel. And the past few weeks his love for him just kept on growing.


That's what it was, love.

Alastor ran his fingers through his hair as he finally realized what a fool he really was. He has been playing hot and cold games with Angel, all because he was confused and not wanting to admit his feelings.

Husk grinned when he saw Alastor finally put two and two together and that Alastor wasn't the all mighty and powerful like he thought he was. "Well, are you just going to stand there or are you going to get that spider back?"

Alastor looked back at Husk, his eye filled with determination. "I'm going to find, mon cher."

Alastor has been searching for a half hour, he checked the karaoke place to which the bird demon girl said that he left when the hour was up. He went to Mimzy's club to see if he was there, with no luck. He was grateful when Mimzy said that she would contact him if he showed up.

Alastor was about to run out of places to look when he heard it. The whistle. Alastor's eyes widen and quickly snapped his fingers.

Once he appeared to Angel's location he was about to ask if he was ok but he stopped to what he saw. There was Angel, sitting on the lap of Valentino, he was wearing a purple see through dress. Angel turned his head and saw Alastor, his eyes widen in horror.

Valentino just grin. "Ah, Alastor it's nice to see you again. Angel cakes was just telling me about your cute little dates. I must say I never would had suspected you to show that much love and care to anyone."

Alastor just kept looking at Angel, he could tell that he was high off of something yet he looked so scared and vulnerable. Alastor quickly brought up his walls and stared at Valentino, a big forced smile on his face. "My fellow, why are you with Angel? This goes against our deal."

Valentino just chuckled. "Your deal only say that I couldn't go near Angel cakes. You didn't say that Angel couldn't come near me with his own free will. Oh and one other thing Radio Demon." Valentino began to pet Angel's hair and Alastor saw Angel's body tensed up. 

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