Chapter 9

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Angel Dust felt a shiver go down his spine when he heard the Radio Demon's threat. He had to admit that was the most arousing thing he ever heard. Angel swallowed a lump that was in his throat and looked into Alastor's eyes. He was still staring intently at him, a sadistic grin on his face as if he was imagining all the things he could do to an unlucky sinner that dared to cross him. Letting out a breath Angel asked him a question.

"Well, since you own my contract now. What are you planning on doing with me?"

Alastor snapped out of his train of thought and his usual charismatic smile returned. "Nothing my dear. You have your own free will. The only rules that you have to follow are the ones that I already establish. Limited amount of physical contact, and this one is the most important, whenever you feel down, need someone to talk to, some discussing lowlife is making you uncomfortable, you blow the whistle."

Angel subconsciously touched the whistle that was in his pocket. "Alright, that seems easy enough to follow. But why do you treat me differently than Husk and Nifty? I don't see you giving them special treatment like you do to me?"

Alastor let out a chuckle as he answer his question. "You see Angel, everyone needs to be treated differently. With Husker, I found him as a lonely drunk that was horrible at gambling. I made him a deal that I could make him a master gambler and be able to read the room. In exchanged I use him for help for little projects, like this hotel here." 

Angel was surprised to hear that Husk wasn't the master of cards as he thought he was. "And Nifty?" Alastor's smile soften when he heard the little cyclops name. "The little dear just fell into my lap one day. Literally. It was a funny and exhausting meeting. We became friends right then and there. No contracts or deals needed. She would help me keep my radio studio and manor clean, free of charge, even though I wanted to thank her for her services. But at last she declined saying she's always been a housewife and that is what she wants to continue doing." He chuckled for a few seconds before continuing, "Granted she would always kill her husbands after a few years of marrying them. Poisoning them, pushing them down the stairs or balcony, sometimes after she killed them she would cook them into a meal and invite her neighbors in for dinner."

Angel Dust was now seeing why the two were close in friendship. He hesitantly asked his next question. "And what about me, Al?" What are your thoughts about me?

Alastor just looked at Angel for a few moments. Studying the spider demon's face. He looked anxious and scared and Alastor found it appealing to watch. He let out a sigh. "You my dear, you're delicate. So easily broken and helpless." Angel felt like his heart was being stabbed over and over. He almost felt like running back into his room but Alastor took hold of his hands and lightly stroked them. "Despite all of that soft inner shell. You are brave, not many sinners would put up the way you did and still have that drive to be who you are. You know when to help your friends when they are down and know their boundaries. You are funny even though your sense of humor isn't a hundred percent to my liking."

Angel felt his cheeks getting warm as he listened to Alastor thoughts. He was truly a gentleman and knows how to sweep a person of their feet. "You amazed me that night on Valentine's Day. You were truly lovely, a doll even. And I want you to do something for me, my dear."

"W-What is that, Al?" Angel could feel his hands getting sweaty and his breathing a little shaky. Alastor smiled and stood up from his chair, letting go of Angel's hands, to which Angel did not like. Alastor walked around the table so he was right next to him. He than pulled out a familiar box and opened it, revealing the spider pin. "I was going to ask you last night...but things got a little out of hand." Alastor coughed a bit in hope not to make this awkward. He took out the pin and handed it to Angel. "Would you like to put it on?" Angel's eyes widen as he stared at the pin in his hand. He thought Alastor had thrown it away, but there it was.

Angel smiled as tears stung his eyes. Leaning over he clipped the pin onto Alastor's suit. The red rudy seem to shine, happy at it's new home. Alastor smiled down at the pin and then to Angel. "Thank you, my dear."

"No problem, Strawberry Pimp." Within seconds Angel covered his mouth when his nickname for Alastor slipped out. But Alastor just chuckled and put his hands down. "It's alright, you can call me that but ONLY when we are alone." Angel could now feel his heart beating fast against his chest and he wonders if Alastor was feeling the same thing. Alastor then glanced at the clock.

"I should be going to my office to finish the rest of my paperwork." Angel blinked and felt sad that Alastor had to leave so soon. "Would you like to have a few drinks with me later?" Angel asked, hoping that Alastor would agree.

Alastor nodded his head and patted Angel's shoulder as he walked towards his office. "I'll see you at 8pm Angel." Alastor could hear Angel's squeal of excitement as he moved his way through the halls. Once he was in his office, he closed the door behind him and leaned against it.

I believe I was successful in making Angel let his guard down. It's a shame that I have to fake caring about him like this. But hey, as long he doesn't know, he won't hurt himself, and I will no longer feel guilty....but why did it feel so right to tell him that he was amazing? Why do I feel so relaxed seeing him smile?


Why do I have this need to make him mine?

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