Chapter 12

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It's been a week since Alastor's date with Angel and he can still remember it like it was yesterday. He was sitting at his desk going through papers, a happy grin on his face. Since then Angel and him had  been getting even more close. Alastor wasn't even tensing up everytime Angel touched him, growing used to it like with Nifty with her kisses. Yet this felt different, more warm and comforting.

Alastor let out a sigh and turn on the radio that was in his office. He smiled when he heard the song that was playing.

Alastor tapped along to the music. "One look and I yelled timber! Watch out for flying glass." Alastor sang, his grin growing wider.

"'Cause the ceiling fell in and the bottom fell out. I went into a spin and I started to shout, I've been hit! (This is it, this is it, I've been hit!)" Alastor stood up from his desk and started to tap dance as he continued to sing. His shadows coming to life, playing the role as backup singers.

"I was walking along minding my business, when love came and hit me in the eye. (Flash, bam, alakazam)." Alastor was too busy singing and dancing that he didn't hear the knocking at his door.

"Out of an orange colored, purple striped
Pretty green polka dot sky (Flash, bam) alakazam and goodbye!"


"Charlie?!" The Radio Demon stopped in his tracks, turning round in shocked when he saw not only the princess but also Vaggie and Husk as well. All of them equally surprised.

Wow, I thought love was much softer than that....

Alastor turned off the radio and forced a big smile, hoping they would go away. "I must say my dear, you usually knock before entering."

Vaggie crossed her arms and glared at him. "She did knock. You were too busy parading around to notice."

Alastor laughed and summoned his microphone to lean on it. "So, what brings you three to my office?" It was then that Charlie stepped forward, putting her hands together as she spoke. "Al, you have done a lot for this hotel and I really appreciate it....but can you stop summoning your shadows to attack Husk?"

Alastor's eyes narrowed a bit for a second, Husk deserved what came to him. It wasn't too much chaos. Just some poking, pulling a few fur and feathers, messing around with his drinks. He eyes went back to normal as Charlie went on with her lecture.

"I get that he is under you but this has been going on for a week now and the guests are complaining."

Alastor's ear twitched a bit, the air got cold and dark as Alastor went rigid. Charlie looked around as she notice the room seems to misshapen. Vaggie summoned her spear and was yelling curses at Alastor, none which he heard. Husk just stood there with his eyebrow raised, noticing concern and slow burn anger growing in the demon.

"....My apologies for cutting this short. I have someplace I NEED to go NOW." With a snap of his fingers, Alastor was gone, as well the room was back to normal. The three demons just looked at each other, wondering what just happened.

Alastor appeared in the park that was a block away from the hotel. Alastor quickly was looking around when he saw them. There was Angel being pinned against a tree, struggling to get away from another demon. It was a big wolf demon and Alastor might had been afraid of it, if he didn't notice a letter 'A' that was scarred on the demon's arm.

Alastor chuckled, "I do say my friend that is NOT how you treat a lady." Alastor exclaimed walking towards the demon with a calm pace. Angel yelled Alastor's name as the wolf turned around and growled. "You motherfucker."

Again Alastor laughed. "First, I don't do such nasty things to my mother. Second my friend, you didn't say it right. If I remember correctly, 'Would you like to try her out instead?' Then again it has been over 80 years, so maybe you have forgotten."

The wolf threw Angel to the ground and pulled his claws out. "Ah, I see you updated your weapon of choice. Very good, you've learned from your mistakes. Then again, you are in hell. So, you didn't learn anything." Alastor mocked.

The wolf charged at Alastor, swinging his claws, to which Alastor was able to dodge. Alastor began to hum a song and he moved around the fight like it was a normal dance. "I do say my friend, you have gotten better at fighting. Did you practice after our little rodeo?"

"Will. You. STOP! TALKING!" The wolf yelled annoyingly.

Alastor stopped and grinned at the demon. "I'm afraid not my friend. I am a radio host, it's my job to talk. Now if you may, I would very much like to have you on my show tonight. I'm sure my audience would love you."

"Like fuck I would do that!" The wolf demon jump, aiming his claws at Alastor's face. Alastor just smirked up at him and snapped his fingers. Within seconds monstrous tentacles appeared and grabbed the demon. Dragging him into a portal. "You didn't have a say in the matter, my friend."

Alastor made his way to the tree where Angel was. His face was in awestruck to what he just witnessed.

"Are you already, my dear?" Alastor said holding his hand out to help Angel up. The spider demon just nodded as he took his hand, pulling himself up. "Yeah, thanks Al. You really had my back there."

Alastor chuckled and rubbed Angel's cheek. "It was all because you followed my rules and blew the whistle. I told you I would come and I was in the middle of talking with Charlie and Vagatha."

Angel smiled and pressed his hand over top of Alastor's, mading his hand go deeper in it's touch. "What are you going to do now, Smiles?"

Alastor grin a sadistic grin and leaned in closer to Angel. "I am going to show that fellow that he should had never touch what is mine." He felt Angel Dust shiver at that response. "So, you are going to be back late?"

"I'm afraid so my dear. I need to keep my audience entertained."

"I'll listen and cheer you on." Angel said staring into Alastor's eyes. Alastor chuckled. "Got any request you want me to do to him?"

It was now Angel's turn to have a sadistic smirk. "Rip his dick off."

"That'll be the first thing I'll do." Alastor said, turning around to make his way to his radio tower.

"Hey Al!"

"Yes Angel?"

"You aren't going to cannibalize me right? I mean you did just reenact that night."

Alastor chuckled and looked over his shoulder at Angel. "No, my dear. You are too special to eat."

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