Chapter 8

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It was a headache and a lack of warmth that work up Alastor from his sleep. Glanceing over at the clock it was 8 o clock in the morning. Slowly Alastor got up and yawned. He looked around and saw that he was still in Angel's room. The memories of last night came flooding into him. His talk with Husk, the deal with Valentino, the kiss he shared with Angel Dust. Alastor shook his head, but the action just made him feel dizzy and his headache worst.

Begrudgingly, Alastor got up from Angel's bed and decided to go to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. Before leaving the room, Alastor glanced over at the window that looked over the driveway of the hotel. His eyes widen to what he saw. There was Valentino's limo and Angel was a few feet away from it. Anger flooded through his vains and he ran out of the room and to the entrance, not caring that his headache was begging him to stop.

Once he opened the front door, the limo was already driving away. Angel just stood there watching it go, his arms loosely crossed over his chest as it was a way of protecting himself. Slowly and trying to stay calm, Alastor walked over to Angel and touches his shoulder. Angel jumped at the sudden touch and turned around. He smiled once he saw that it was Alastor.

"Morning Al, did you sleep well?" Angel asked, sounding like his usual upbeat self. Alastor's eyes narrowed. "Why was Valentino here? Part of our deal was for him to NOT go near you."

Angel Dust smiled and touched Alastor's hand and rubbed it. "Don't worry Al, he just stayed in his ride. All he wanted to say was goodbye and told me to enjoy my life since you are paying a lot of money to him." Angel looked at Alastor's eyes like a mother would to their child when they made a bad choice. "Seriously Alastor, you are giving him HALF of your salary every month in order for you to buy my contract?"

Alastor only chuckled and stared into Angel's eyes. "It was worth it. For you, it was well worth it." Angel could help but feel his cheeks going warm. "Uh...Al, are you still under the influence? Would you like to get some more sleep?" Angel said concern in his voice. Alastor just shook his head. "No Angel, I don't need anymore sleep. Right now, I just want some breakfast. Care to join me?"

Alastor held out his arm for Angel to take. Angel looked at him and then to his extended arm, with a smile Angel linked arms with his and they walked back into the hotel.

Once in the kitchen, Alastor was already cooking up some eggs and french toast, humming a tune as he cooked. Angel sat down at the table watching him with a smile. "Hey Al?" Angel called out. "Yes, my dear?" Alastor replied from over his shoulder.

"I just wanted to say 'Thank you' for buying my contract. You have no idea how happy I am." Angel rested his cheek on his hand, looking like he was trapped in a dream that he doesn't want to wake up. Alastor smiled a genuine smile and turned fully to faced Angel. "No problem, my dear. Anything to bring a smile to your face." 

Angel chuckled and let out a sigh. "What was your part of the deal anyway? For what I see, Val is the only one that seems to be getting the good part of the deal."

"Are you saying that you aren't a good part of the deal, Angel?" Alastor turned back to his cooking. "Because I see you as a good part on my end." Angel raised an eyebrow. "Seriously Al, are you sure you are not high? What is with all the sweet talk, not that I don't mind it but this seems out of character for you."

Alastor just hummed and plated the food and set it for the two of them. It was only when he took his seat it finally answered Angel's question. "No Angel, I am not under the influence. As to why I am like this well.... I don't like seeing the people I care about in pain." Angel just stared at the demon in front of him.

"What the fuck Al? You are the most sadistic sinner I know. Not to mention you were a serial killer when you were alive. What is all this talk about 'not likeing seeing the people you care in pain' bullshit."

Alastor just sat in his seat, eating his meal. Once Angel realized that he wasn't getting an answer soon, he took his fork and ate his breakfast as well. To his surprise it was delicious. The eggs were soft and fluffy, and the french toast was crisp and with just enough powder sugar. Angel's taste buds were singing at the piece of heaven that was in his mouth. He remembered Alastor saying that he used to cook with his mother. He wondered if she was as good or even better than Alastor.

"Do you want to know the reason why I became a killer and a cannibal?"

Angel was caught off guard by the question that he nearly choked on his food. He looked up at Alastor, who was also looking at him. His hands intertwine in front of his mouth, his eyes serious. Angel shallowed the rest of his food and nod. "Yeah sure Al." Alastor smiled and he started to tell his story.

"Well I believe I was in my early 20s when this happened. I was in one of the finest colleges, thanks to my mother, and I was walking back to my apartment when I heard a cried for help. Being the gentleman I am, I decided to go where the screams were about..... and then that's when I saw a girl I knew from a cafe, was being assaulted..."

Angel Dust just listened as he continued his tale. "Now I just walked over and told the not so find gentleman that is NOT how you treat a lady. The male just laughed at me and asked if I wanted her instead." Alastor took a moment to pause as he tensed up at the memory. "Honestly that was the most discussing thing I ever hear at the time." Angel Dust held in his laugh when hearing that comment. As of being in hell there were far worser things people could say now.

"So, I declined that offer and I told the male that he should pay someone who was willing to fulfill his needs instead of a helpless girl. Now this was when the fellow threw the girl to the ground and took out his knife. I told him that this wasn't a fair fight and that he should leave. Of course this ended up in a fight. He did manage to get a few good cuts on me." Alastor went silent for a few moments, as he was now lost in his memories, and Angel could has swore that he saw the Radio Demon lick his lips. 

"Some how I managed to get the blade and I was on top of the guy. By this point the girl was already gone. I gave the guy a few cuts to remember me by and send him on his way." Angel's face was cloudy with confusion. He thought Alastor would had kill the bastard. "Why did you let him go Alastor? I thought he was going to be your first kill?"

Alastor chuckled at the questions. "I wish he had, but at last I never saw that fellow again after that night." Angel leaned in closer wanting to know more. "Then who was your first kill?" Alastor's smile grew into a big grin as he said his next words.

"The sweet little cafe girl, my dear, Angel."

Angel's eyes widen at the fact. Alastor chuckled again and went on. "You see it was a mild curiosity. I went into that cafe twice a week and the girl was always so sweet and caring. I wanted to know if her blood was just as sweet. And my theory was correct. I handled her with love and care, making sure she didn't feel much pain. But they do say, 'once you had the taste for flesh you crave it more and more.'" Angel kept on listening, unable to move away like a child in a candy store.

"Now after that lovely evening, I developed a few rules to myself. I will not tell you those rules but I WILL tell you this Angel." Alastor leaned in closer to Angel and his voice low as if he was telling a secret.

"If someone messes with something or someone that belongs to me. I'll prove all of the doubters wrong that there IS a second  hell."

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