Part 1 - The Train

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Grace's POV:

Today's the day! I'm so excited to get to Hogwarts, but I'm not that happy going with Draco. He's really a pain and annoying because he's too protective of me sometimes but he started banging on my door this morning telling me to get to get up, ugh.

"Get up Grace! We're going to be late because of you!" Draco said interrupting my sleep and jumping on my bed.

"ugh, get off me" I whaled at him causing me to roll off the bed. "Hey!!" I said annoyed.

"I told you to get up, so technically it's your fault" He said laying on my bed with his uniform on. "Now get your uniform on so we can go and find a good spot on the train sleepy head."

"fine." I was already starting to get impatient with him now. 

I changed into my black skirt and my grey jumper, under that I wore a white long sleeve with my tie and on top a big robe, but i took it off and thought I would put it on when we get outside. I ate breakfast downstairs with Draco and added some touches inside my bag. 

"I'm ready Mom and Dad!!" I half yelled upstairs to them. 

"Look after your sister Draco and take all your things for Hogwarts." My mother said happily for us to go do something with our lives since shes been teaching us some magic before Hogwarts which explained why it sounded like it was a relief for us to go, but I didn't need to know why she felt relived because she always talks about how we will do good at school since we were ahead of some magic, but I already knew we would have no trouble.

"yes mother" Draco smirked at me and said "I'm in charge to look after you so let me take your luggage for you. Your Majesty." he added.

"I can take care of myself."  I mumbled while Draco laughed, taking my stuff and leaving to get in the car for the train. 

"Have a great day today you two" my father said waving to Draco and I.

"Thank you father, we will." We both said at the same time hopping in the car. We waved our goodbyes and drove to in the car to get to the train. 

I put my robe on and tried to find 9 point 3/4 with Draco. We walked through the wall when no muggles were paying attention to us and walked towards the train to put our luggage in. Once we put our things on the train we started to look for Draco's friends: Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise so we could sit with them on the train. We needed to find a spot to sit so I went to wonder around and found 2 people in one of the apartment rooms so I introduced myself.

"Hello, my name is Grace" I said politely with my hand out to shake hands with both of the boys hands, though the one with the green eyes and glasses kept looking at me as if something was wrong with me or he adored me but I ignored it.

"Hi, my name is Ronald Weasley but you can call me Ron." The messy red haired boy said with freckles and a hand out. I shook his hand and then looked at his red face, I thought it was funny when he started to blush as we touched hands but I slightly smiled trying to hide my grin as he was trying to hide his blushing but obviously it didn't work.

"Hello Grace, my name is Harry." The brown haired boy said with beautiful green eyes and glasses on. I smiled lightly at him as we shook hands and then I said

"Nice to meet you Harry" I said still smiling and asked them both "If you don't mind, could I sit here for a little while?" still asking politely. 

"Sure you can, I was just about to start some magic with my pet rat, His name is Scabbers" Ron said excitedly. I told him I would love to see him do some magic  and then I sat down next to Harry who smiled at me warmly and then faced Ron, I could of have sworn I saw him blush as I sat with him, I might have been too close to him then he thought...oh well.

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