Part 10 - Tea

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I slowly woke up to hear footsteps outside the room I fell asleep in...where was I? Why do I smell Draco...ugh if my brother had something to do with-

I opened my eyes to see Draco's grey, glum eyes staring at me...or examining my face. 

"AHHHHHH" I screamed at Draco and flinched at his closeness. Draco covered his ears in pain 

"what do you think your doing here?!" I jumped out the bed and saw a door. I was going to walk out until I realized, I smelt boy odor...

"ew. where am I and why am I here?" I asked again

"why did you scream?" Draco said annoyed shaking his head

"where am I?" I repeated and then looked at a mirror to see me, wide eyes, messy hair, bright grey eyes, the same clothes from yesterday and anxious expression. I changed my posture to stand straight and clear my throat glaring at my brother

"geez, your just in the boys dorm" Draco said rolling his eyes

"why?" I asked again

"why are you so alert and curious" He said with an eyebrow up

"oh, I don't know...maybe because I woke up with my brother in my face?!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms together

"I was just going to poke your face, to wake you up since I was bored...but I guess scaring you, worked too" he said smirking

"your one annoying creature to live with" I scoffed and walked towards the girls dorm. 

I saw two other girls and the pug-girl sitting on her bed, while the other two turned around to see me with messy hair.

"You must be Grace Malfoy, am I correct?" a girl with brunette and light brown eyes said looking at me with a smirk.

"sure, who are you?" I said going to my luggage under a bed and getting my hair brush, as I combed my hair

"Iris Lennox" she said putting a hand up towards me

"cool name" I said shaking her hand as she smiled at the comment

"I'm Liv Atton" the other girl said; skinny tall, black short-shoulder hair, pale skin but fainted red cheeks

"nice to meet you, Grace Malfoy" I quickly smiled and nodded at her while I quickly did everything I needed and went towards the hall to go eat breakfast

 It was Friday. Great. I get to play Quidditch tomorrow. Yay. I think Draco would be a bit jealous from me, being the seeker for slytherin and all. Everyone was talking about how Harry and I got seeker yesterday at young age but I tried to ignore it.

"hey Grace, wait up!" a familiar voice, I've heard before, said yelling my name. I turned to see who it was and a smile grew on my face 

"hey 'Mione" I said smiling at her, while she puffed and then caught her breath

"I just checked my timetable and it says our houses are together for most of the classes!" Hermione says excitedly. I started laughing at her excitement and said

"yeah, I know. I hope it stays this way, it would be a lot more fun then the Transfiguration classes I have." I said rolling my eyes and then looked at a different direction to see Draco behind us. I ignored his presence behind us and then we got to the door of the halls

"Well, I'll see you at class 'Mione" I said waving at her while I walked towards the slytherin table. Hermione nodded and sat next to Harry and Ron. I sat next to Draco and his goons as they talked and laughed, while I sat down silently eating my food.

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