Part 3 - Houses

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"It's true then, what they're saying on the train." Harry turned his head towards Draco now "Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." everyone gasped except for Me, Ron, Hermione, and Draco "This is Crabbe, Goyle, Grace and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" Draco walks towards Harry now face to face until Ron snorts at our last name, Dammit Weasley you really know how to get your self into trouble do you?! Dumb move, bloody dumb move Weasley...i kept repeating that in my head

"Think my names funny do you? No need to ask for yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down rob" Draco was now glaring at Ron, I looked at Ron as his face was becoming ashamed, then he looked at me and I looked at him in a apologized expression and mouthed "sorry" and then I looked back down at the floor knowing Ron was being humiliated. My first friends are getting picked on by stupid Malfoy, my brother known to be the trouble maker as well as a smart-ass...

Draco continued talking "You must be a Weasley." Draco now turns back to Harry once Ron's been done and amused 

"you'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better then others, Potter." he turns again at Ron glaring knowing Ron's looking back at him 

"You don't want to  be making friends with the wrong sort." and he turns back to Harry "I can help you there." Draco took his hand out to make the deal. I was not surprised to hear Harry disagree, Harry was a nice person, I have a feeling his going to be in gryffindor for his bravery when he disagreed in Draco's face...

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks" I couldn't help but giggle quietly at Harry as he turned to my face with a smile but luckily Professor McGonagall came with the role before Draco could react from Harry's response making him have a blank face.

 Miss McGonagall tapped on Draco's shoulder and said "come on now, we're ready for you all, now follow me" everyone followed Professor McGonagall again into a room, it looked even cooler inside, there was floating candles everywhere and four really long table with people sitting in them with mats and cutlery. Miss McGonagall took us inside until we got to the front where all the teacher sat, in front of the four long tables and then she came to a stop with us facing her.

"Now, when I call your names, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head." Miss McGonagall now pulled out a a big baggy brown hat with a face-ish when the hat looked crinkled "and you will be sorted out into your houses" she now read off the big piece of paper with everyone's names 

"Hermione Granger" Miss McGonagall said calling our names. Hermione stood up on the stair to sit on the chair so the teacher could put on the hat, I think she was almost panicking, huh.. 

"Hmm, very intelligent and clever, hardworking and brave..." we all looked at Hermione  then the Hat while it was moving and absorbing her bloody mind "I shall put you in....GRYFFINDOR!" everyone cheered at the gryffindor table and then Professor McGonagall continued reading the names as Hermione went to go sit at her table

"Draco Malfoy" Draco looked blank and annoyed as he walked towards the seat, he's always annoyed but mostly annoying, Draco didn't even need to sit down or touch the hat

"SLYTHERIN!" Draco pulled out a smirk and I looked at him shaking my head with a grin as he went to the Slytherin table.

"Rose Cleverstone" I looked up and saw a girl with curly brown hair in a low pony tail, with long eyelashes as she sat down, she looked kind of pale when she sat and touched the hat with her head

"Hmm...HUFFLEPUFF!" the hufflepuff  table cheered just as all the tables would have when they got a person in their house

"Ronald Weasley" I looked to see Ron embarrassed and nervous but everyone would, right? Ron got up and sat down

"HA" Ron jumped at the sound causing me to giggle quietly "Another Weasley, I know just what to do with you...GRYFFINDOR!" he looked relived to be with his brothers at the table, as every house clapped but the Slytherin's looked disgusted..oh well...

"Harry Potter" everyone went silent again when Harry was up, some people were whispering and gasping, the man in the middle of the teachers table got comfortable and payed attention to Harry now, I think Harry was whispering "please not slytherin, please not slytherin" I as well payed attention more this time, harry sat on the chair as the hat did the processing

"Hmmm, difficult..very difficult, plenty of courage I see..there's talent, plenty of talent but where to put you..?" I saw Harry whispering something until the hat told us all "not slytherin eh? Okay....GRYFFINDOR!" all the gryffindor cheered louder then other people who had joined...

"Grace Malfoy" I stood up walking towards the seat and swung my feet forward and back waiting for the hat to it's magic

"A Malfoy again...has a strong mind of what's wrong and isn't...has kindness when treated right...I thought it would be easier" Harry looked at me like everyone else but he looked like he was hoping something, Potter is quite different.. "definitely courage there as well as smartness...SLYTHERIN" the slytherin table cheered and I sat at the table with Draco, everything continued as people kept getting sorted into there houses, Draco now looked at me now

"What happened up there?!" He said confused and glaring at me sort of, I sighed, I can't ever get a break from this Malfoy, he'll always be the bitter brother...

"I don't know?" I replied honestly

"why did the hat have trouble understanding you?" he spat out still glaring

"Chill Malfoy, be grateful you have her" someone said from the gryffindor table but I didn't know who, well I guess Draco knew who, because he glared even harder towards the gryffindor table.

"I don't know Draco, I'm just brighter then you" I teased and grinned

"Whatever Grace" Draco said leaving that thought, as someone defended me from Draco's loud voice, I wonder who, I would obviously tell them thanks they helped me there, but I seriously didn't know who... The man with a grey beard, weird hat and with a drink stood up as everyone was sorted in they're houses

"Welcome to the new year at Hogwarts everyone! Before we begin our feast, I would like to say a few words" once he explained his name was Professor Dumbledore and everything he said "we may begin the feast" and waved his hands where the flags had been put up into our houses and food appeared out of know where on our tables. We ate and then packed our stuff in our common rooms and we got ready for our classes.

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